Memories Near Forgotten

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{This takes place before the previous Chapters}
{Doctors P.O.V}
I had thrown my jacket over the side railings and pulled a loose panel up from the floor. The TARDIS had been a bit rough with landings lately and I wanted to check up on her, see if there's anything I could do. I went under and started fiddling with some of the wires, I had noticed the problem almost instantly and started to do my best to fix it. The TARDIS surprised me and as she made one of her noises as if she was talking to me, I lifted my head and TARDIS did again.
"You what..? Someone's here?" I poked my head up and climbed up through where I had come down and I smiled brightly as I saw her face
"Oh Hey Yaz!" I don't think I could have smiled anymore without hurting my cheeks, I stood up brushing myself off.
"Hey Doc, I came to visit, Graham and Ryan are visiting someone and my family aren't in so, I thought.. I'd keep you company" she smiled but I sensed some sort of nervousness in her and I tilted my head lightly . "Hey is everything ok..? You seem a bit nervous" I asked gently.
"Um yeah...I'm fine really!" She reassured me however the TARDIS wasn't satisfied and make one of her noises but flicking the lights then there was a locking sound and I looked towards the door.
"Um excuse me,!" I looked at the TARDIS console "what do you think your doing?!" I asked confused by the TARDISs actions and she grumbled again.
"Your such a stubborn girl!" I added annoyed a little and Yaz looked at me confused.
"Doc what's she doing? I mean she doesn't have a problem with me does she?" She asked with worry clear in her voice and I felt bad.
"No! No! She likes you but she's gone and locked us in... Her reasons? That.. I don't know.." I added rubbing my neck lightly. I did know why but it's not something I could tell her, the TARDIS must have heard me talk to myself. When 'alone' I would praise her... I don't know what I feel it's this feeling squeezing my hearts making me feel funny when she's around.
{Yaz's P.O.V}
The doctor looks nervous... She almost looked almost as nervous as I feel right now but, what reason would have to be nervous, maybe the TARDIS said something to her, she is the only person who understands her and well the TARDIS is like a person so maybe she thinks like one... Maybe she's... I dunno really I can't really say I know the with the TARDIS , I've always never acted like she was a person... Maybe that's why she's locked us in... Oh I don't know... However... I kinda like this,. I've always wanted time with just me and the Doctor in the TARDIS I've had a small crush on her since I met her.. She gorgeous, smart, funny, lively and just amazing. I can't deny the fact I love her, but she's a thousand year old Alien and I'm just A Sheffield police officer in training from Earth..I just feel as I can't live up to someone as great as her, someone whose been on this earth and in this universe longer than I have... I'm probably just someone else she's Met in her life times with no difference to someone she's saved.
{Doctors P.O.V}
"Yaz...?" I asked seeing her wandered off in to her train of thought
"Yaz!" I raised my voice a little louder this time and caught her attention and she looked at me slightly startled, I wander what she thinks about, every time she's in the TARDIS she looses all train of thought and wonders into her own little world, sometimes she talks aloud and she's said my name which sometimes made me worry and at the same time warmed my hearts.. Only to the thought that she's thinking of me.. TARDIS grumbled again pushing me on to do something, hug, kiss her cheek and what the TARDIS wanted me to do is kiss her. The TARDIS and I have a strong connection which we've strengthen over the years, my emotions are her emotions, it's also how she knows how to decorate the TARDIS or knows what sort of screwdriver I want, all because of our connection , however that connection can be very annoying especially in times like these. Yaz and cleared her throat and stuttered lightly as if she was to say something then she looked at me straight in the eye and I couldn't help but feel my cheeks heat up.. Her eyes were amazing, so full of hope and happiness with the kindness of glimmers which would wash away anything sad in the air.
"What's up Yaz? You can talk to me ya know.." I gently reassured her not wanting her to feel like she couldn't talk and the TARDIS grumbled again and this time it was aimed at Yaz and Yaz knew this too, the TARDIS was egging her on or something were the TARDIS and Yaz teamed up or something?.. I'm so lost..
"Doctor... Ever since I met you you've given me hope, take me places I never thought I'd see, taught me things I never knew and it's so amazing.. But what makes then experiences even better is you..." She said with enthusiasm and as she got to the end of her sentence she spoke gently and my hearts pounded out of my chest.
"Your amazing, funny, lively, kind, you never ask for a thank you from those you save, your gorgeous and most of all your just brilliant..." She breath in heavily.
"Your almost a thousand years older than me yet you don't look a day over 20 years old.. Your the smartest person I've ever met or will meet and you've given me things no one else would...Doctor.. I...-love you... And not in the way someone loves a book the way someone loves someone else.." She had turn't bright red and frankly so had I. But the look of hope in her eyes had vanished and I felt hurt and the TARDIS had won and there was one thing to do. I walked up to her gently cupped her cheeks and kissed her gently but rough.. And I won't lie when I say i loved it... She took no time kissing me back and the TARDIS unlocked itself and I playfully rolled my eyes and pulled away from the kiss.
"What in the name of all sanity would make you think I wouldn't love you? Yasmin Khan your one of the most amazing people I've ever met but never had I ever fallen in love with them...none except you.. The hope in your eyes make me smile and you so bright and damn right beautiful..." I had finally got it off my chest and how good it felt.
She was nearly in tears her eyes glistening lightly in the light of the TARDIS.
"You...think that...about me.." She asked hesitantly
"Now and always...." I gently said.
She wrapped her arms around my neck and pulled me into a kiss which I didn't deny and kissed back putting my arms around her thin waist. The kiss was hot and passionate and just amazing her soft lips I found myself drowning in it.. All of a sudden there was someone clearing their throat behind us and Yaz was first to pull away and there they stood.., Ryan and Graham and I was beyond embarrassed and so was Yaz
"Ryan...Graham..." I gently started
"Save it Doc. Me and Ryan and been in pain watching you two stand around ignoring eachothers feelings that were right there in the daylight ." Graham laughed
"To be honest the TARDIS shared our frustration and that's why we went out. " I was amused.
"Your telling me you two and the TARDIS planned this?" Yaz asked laughing lightly to which they nodded.
"And we couldn't be anymore happier" I added smiling at Yaz and held her hand

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