Days Of Old

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{little writers note, when it's in bold and italicsit's an interior monologue, makes life easy italics alone means it's not the doctors PoV}

{Doctors P.O.V}
"Captain Jack Harkness " i gently muttered before forcing myself off the ground with a groan of dissatisfaction.
"Oh so you DO remember me then?" He added this little snarky remark and it made me huff and I looked around to where I was. I knew it , we had been transported the Torchwood base presumably the one in Cardiff. I looked around seeing all the screens the wires were littered all over the place and I looked up on the small walkway above head an saw a women standing there, staring at me and Yas before she left. Yas had got up and groaned aswell. She stood up and looked at Jack bemused and looked around her in shock
" hang on weren't we in the TARDIS? And who is he?!" She exclaimed pointing at the tall slender man and  to which she was given a devilish smirk
"Well hello, captain Jack Harkness at your service" to which I scowled back at him
"OI you! Stop it and I'd like to know two things, one how the hell we got here, and how on earth did you find me and my TARDIS" I asked longing for answers after so long he just popped out of nowhere like it was nothing.
"First off, I have a my vortex Minpulater which can track your regeneration energy and the Artron energy on you so I traced it and teleported you here, two well I've already awnsered that..." I couldn't hold my anger in as it was pure rage at this point.
"Did you expect a giddy hello and how you doing? Because last time I checked you were a wanted man on the government hit list and I haven't even seen you in 7 years!"
I couldn't help it, his reaction surprised me as he looked down knowing what he had done and sighed.
"I know it's been a long time but I swore that I'd never find you and bring you here unles it was dire..." He added
My head popped up and I looked at him "dire..?"
Yas was curious "so what's going on then if you've called us here.."
"The dead are walking and they have been for the past three days..."
"What..? That's not possible that's ABSOLUTELY IMPOSSIBLE!" I exclaimed in confusion. Yas looked at me and seemed slightly taken aback from what I'd said and was little thrown off.
{Yas's P.O.V}
I couldn't help but get thrown off it shocked me the way she spoke, I'd seen the scorn in her eyes before when King James had killed Lady Savage but this look was different... It's almost like I didn't know her at all, like the Doctor I met was just a conundrum of her trying to figure herself out. She's a good person and there's no doubting in that but there's the chemistry with The Captain and The Doctor.. I find it ironic... The Captain leads and does what needs to be done, where The Doctor does what they can to keep people protected and alive... It definitely appeals to her but... I really what to know what he's done to make her so mad?...
{Doctors P.O.V}
"Doctor it's vital I ask this.. How long ago did you regenerate? And how many times since we last saw eachother?" What?! Why is he asking this now and what has this to do with Anything?"
"Three times in the last 7 years... I regenerated for the third time a not even a month ago..." I added slightly frustrated.
"So how have you not noticed, this has been going on for a year...first it was the odd person and it was taken for a misconception or a miracle but now starting a month ago everyone is coming back to life who's died in the last three months.. And everytime someone died they just come back." He clicked the keyboard button showing a man on the screen "Karl Thompson, suicide bomber blew up a shop about three weeks ago nothing was left of the guy.." He clicked it agian showing cctv footage of him "was found wandering the streets, the police took him in for questioning and he said after the bombing it went black then he woke up at home in bed like it never happened " Jack leant against the side his arms folded. I wasn't going to stand around I need to know what was going on and why and how this could be happening.
"Jack You mind?" I gestured to the computer to which he gladly moved out the way and I did my thing tracing through the systems.
{Yas's P.O.V}
I leant against the desk watching the Doctor scan through coding, pictures, names and social medias, anything that could give her a reliable source. Lost in thought Jack and walked up to me and leant against the table next to me.
"Hey there... I take it you travel with hi-" he cut himself short to correct himself
"Apologies Her" he said kindly looking towards me.
"I'm Yasmin Khan... I'm an officer on the second year of field training... From Sheffield... There's two others but they wanted some time alone...I take it you traveled with her when she was a man..." I said rather bluntly to the point where I rather scared myself.
Jack heaved a heavy sigh and looked at her "she's a great person... She saves the world and leaves like its nothing, like saving billions of people is just like cleaning a brilliant as she may be...she has a dark side...everyone does" he looked me straight in the eye which made me shiver "when you cross that line, the line of which someone dies or someone she cares for is harmed....she spares no mercy..." He looked down in pain
"there was a girl, her name was Rose Tyler, she was devoted to the Doctor and they were like two peas in the pod and traveled together for a matter of 3 years at the very least...however the Doctor had to seal a hole in the fabric of time which was connecting a parallel world to our own.. She got sucked in... And all the gaps sealed and the TARDIS is not allowed beyond the boundaries of the parallel universe....she was never seen again and when she did come back...the world was in ruins.." He looked at me gently smiling.
"When you travel with her, you die, you become a solider, or your like me... You get left behind" the words hurt me.. Left behind... That's what hurt me the most. She wouldn't just do that? Right?
I was suddenly snapped out of conversation and thought by the Doctors outburst
{Doctors P.O.V}
"This is bad...very very vey bad..." I dragged on hoping to god it wasn't true
I walked over to the computer trying to find all the accounts of this and the list... It didn't stop but three names caught my attention that I knew wouldn't be good at all....
"Doctor, what is it? What's wrong?" Jack asked concerned and confused
"Doc....tell who's name.." Yas asked getting closer to me
{Ryan's P.O.V}
Home at last, I didn't hate the adventures with the Doctor in fact I loved them, the journeys where amazing and informative and taught me things I never knew before and I couldn't ask for more. But I just need to be home every once in a while to remember what I have here as well as out there.
I walked in the front door with Graham and suddenly I saw him stop , I was worried so I rushed over in panic.
"Graham! Mate what's the mat-" that's when it happened... That's when I saw her.... This had to be some sort sick joke because last time I heard this person was supposed to be dead, the Doctor had told stories of them but, this just didn't add up, the descriptions were so well seen...

"Sorry for intruding, this might be the part when things get complicated..." The girl stood there with someone of similar age and a women...

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