More Drabbles

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 Kevin found himself engrossed in a novel one afternoon, laying with his legs perfectly straight on the couch; Arnold was slouched over him haphazardly, wrapping his arms around Kevin’s waist and hugging him snuggly, laying his head on his chest. Kevin read quite often, typically having a new book every other week; he found himself completely enthralled with the stories within the bound pages, and he would pass the hours this way.

 And when he finally set the book down for that day, he found that the light afternoon sky had faded into darkness, the city lights flashing in through the windows. He was used to the fluidity of the hours, but it was then that he remembered that Arnold had been hugging him the whole time. Being rather used to such a thing, Kevin had completely forgotten his presence; it wasn’t the fact that Arnold had been hugging him for four hours straight that surprised him, but that he had been completely silent the entire time.

 Now, that was strange.

 Kevin had simply reasoned that he had fallen asleep like that, but when he peered down at the shorter man, he found that Arnold was wide awake. He rose his gaze to meet Kevin’s, and a soft, bright smile spread across his features. Kevin returned the expression and tousled Arnold’s messy flop of curls lovingly, adoring the darling way his glasses were skewed off of his face.

 “You’re awfully huggy today, aren’t you Arnold?”

 Arnold giggled and squeezed him tighter. “You see, I have this theory that if I hug you and never let go, everything will be okay~!” At that, Kevin let out a small snicker and adjusted himself so that his legs wouldn’t fall asleep.

 “How’s that working out for you?”

 Arnold perked up and kissed his cheek before snuggling back against his chest.

 “Pretty good- I haven’t exploded yet!”

 “Wh...W-were you expecting to explo-”

 “Shh...Let’s just enjoy this moment…”


 Kevin sat at the kitchen table, sipping coffee and absentmindedly checking his phone, being suddenly distracted when a groggy Arnold slid into the kitchen. He raised an amused eyebrow at the sight, for it was only in the mornings that Arnold wasn’t energetic. Watching with smug delight, he saw him get out a bowl before searching the many cabinets earnestly for what Kevin assumed was cereal.

 When it wasn’t in any of the ones he could reach, he turned around and faced Kevin with an expectant and needy huff. Kevin chuckled at that, walking over and opening one of the higher cabinets and getting out a box of Tiny Toast. He moved to hand it to him, and Arnold snatched it out of his hands roughly, knowing that Kevin had moved it to such a place so that he couldn’t reach it on purpose.

 Letting out another snicker, Kevin grabbed his coffee mug from the table and finished it, refilling it before sitting back down. He observed Arnold eat his cereal with much enjoyment, finding his grumpy expression to be absolutely precious. His dark eyebrows were furrowed together in an annoyed fashion, his cheeks flushed a healthy pink and his eyes fixated on the food in front of him, obviously attempting to ignore Kevin’s taunting smile as he shovelled a spoonful of the cereal into his mouth.

  He finally turned to face him, and he pursed his lips moodily. “What’cha lookin’ at?”

 “You.” Kevin replied as he rested his face on the back of his hand. Already, Arnold felt his annoyance slipping away- he just couldn’t stay angry for long.


 It was now that a thought popped into Kevin’s mind, remembering the book of pick-up lines that Arnold had got from a thrift store once to use on him. That boy doesn’t know what he’s got coming. He thought with a mischievous smile.

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