Two Short Stories

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Just wondering, should I write some smut for them or nah?

  Arnold was never one to notice the small details, the fine intricacies that other, more sophisticated folks, would find themselves divulging in. In fact, it was hard for him to even realize their existence. He would always consistently chug along at his own pace, lighting the world with his bright simplicity.

 You see, he found himself often contented with the broad spectrum of things; looking at a large city instead of all of the individual buildings. Thinking too hard about things was too much for him- why bother when you could be just as happy with the big picture? He never stopped for anyone, or anything, except for that one fatal day:

 The day that the most wonderful man in the world strode into the coffee shop.

 He was tall, his legs being well proportioned and rather muscular, and they pressed forward with a self-assured stride. His skin was a warm tan, and upon his cheeks, ears, and tip of his nose was a healthy blush. He had gorgeous brown eyes, high cheekbones, seemingly perfect eyebrows, and full pink lips that were currently pulled into a pout. His eyebrows were furrowed slightly, and he absentmindedly swept away a few strands of his perfect brown hair out of his face back into the graceful swoop it was currently in.

 Arnold could not help but let his jaw drop at the sight of him; he didn’t even seem to be real, and he practically exuded flawlessness- even the rogue strands of hair seemed to make him even more exceptional.

 Yes, it was in that moment that the world stopped for the first time, that Arnold was lost in all of the fabulous details and couldn’t look away to see the big picture, who was now at the counter, raising an eyebrow at him.

 “Uhm, hello?” The man asked with a faint wave, trying to break Arnold from his trance. The sound of his voice did enough, and Arnold giggled nervously in response, his freckled face turning completely red. This garnered a smile from the other man and it was, to say the least, pure beauty. A bashful confusion that Arnold almost found himself lost in once again.

 “Ah! Hey! Welcome to Starbucks! What can I get you?” He beamed at him, struggling to keep from yelling in embarrassed excitement. In all honesty, he was rather surprised that he had managed to say all of that without stuttering- his words felt as though they were lodged in his throat.

 His response caused the other man to chuckle slightly, making Arnold’s heart skip a beat. The man composed himself once more and pulled his wallet out from his pocket, seeming to already know the cost of his drink.

 “A venti blonde roast, please.” Arnold punched in the order, and the man already had the money in his hand to give it to him. The man leaned against the counter slightly, and Arnold leapt into the air with a faint yip when their hands touched. Attempting to chuckle it off, he took the money, and got out a cup.

 “S-s-sure thing sir! What’s your name?”

 Flashing him another smile, the man backed away from the counter. “Kevin.” Arnold nodded, and mouthed it to himself.

 “Uhm, that’ll be right up sir!”

 Kevin waited for a few minutes in one of the chairs by the counters, listening to the idle chatter of the other restaurant patrons.

Keeping his posture straight, he watched the barista who had taken his order scurry around the kitchen- Arnold is what his name-tag said, right? Whatever the case, he was absolutely adorable to Kevin.

 He was rather short, with terrible posture to boot. His skin was a creamy pale, dotted with several cute freckles, and flushed pink at almost all times. He wore large, black rimmed glasses, and his eyes behind the frames were also large- shining with such kindness and warmth that it surprised Kevin. His hair was a big, fuzzy, curly, black mess that flopped over with an adorable charm, being covered with a hair net. He was a bit chubby, but that didn’t matter; in fact, he rather liked the way the uniform fit around his ample curves.

 Kevin couldn’t help but watch the barista with fond entertainment, smiling and sending him a small wave when they made eye contact. It was fairly obvious by the way he stared longingly at Kevin that he felt the same way as Kevin did, or at least similarly, and Kevin couldn’t help but fan that flame.

 Was it bad for him to do so? Perhaps. But he couldn’t really care less. He deserved some entertainment like this, he always worked so hard anyways, wasn’t an escape the least he could ask for?

 “Kevin!” His name was called out, and he rather liked the sound of it upon Arnold’s voice. He walked up there confidently, meeting eyes with Arnold and smiling, loving the way it made the other man blush furiously. He handed the coffee to him, and Kevin made a point of it to touch his hand again in the process.

 “Thanks, Arnold.” He said with a pure smile, and Arnold seemed to have a pleasant reaction to hearing him say his name. The other man nodded at him, and watched Kevin walk away in an awestruck manner.

 It was only when Kevin was almost out the door that he looked down at the name scrawled on his cup in black Sharpie. Feeling his cheeks heat up, he felt as though he had been bested in this game, and he turned over his shoulder to see Arnold grinning at him, proud that he had made Kevin blush.

 Returning the gaze before stepping out of the door, Kevin chuckled quietly to himself as he glanced back down at the note on the cup.

'You’re beautiful!'


 Hushed whispers and warm breaths filled the room. Foreheads resting against each other, hands clasping each other comfortingly, legs intertwining, bodies melding together sleepily. The soft pittering of fat raindrops created a relaxing metronome, matching the rhythm of their sleepy embrace under the covers.

 Curious lips travelling upon the breastbone, trailing up the neck, exploring the length of the jawline, and meeting with another pair in familiar harmony. Their kisses were long, drawn-out, and reluctant, lingering as long as they could. Even when they weren’t kissing, they would simply rest their lips upon the other’s, the closeness and intimacy being all they needed.

 Hands left each other and laid contentedly upon each others’ waists and hips, feeling and prodding at the warm skin there, simultaneously electric and comforting. A warm buzz, they felt drunk on each others’ touch, needing nothing other than themselves to feel complete.

 Sweet nothings being lost underneath the covers, gentle kisses upon the eyelids, causing a tingling and existential sensation. Faint meetings of lips and earlobe, snug caresses, and a few lovemarks being left as a reminder.

 Arnold rested his head finally in the crook of Kevin’s neck, folding and adjusting so that his body completely fit perfectly against his, growing much too tired to continue their sluggish proclamations of love. These sort of soft embraces lulling them both to sleep.

 Kevin sighed contentedly, the hot air fanning out onto Arnold’s back. He raised an arm and ran a few fingers through Arnold’s mess of curls lovingly, such a repetitive action effectively dragging him to grogginess as well. His other arm lowered to cradle Arnold, attempting to bring him closer if possible, his hand resting in the small of Arnold’s back as it rubbed soothing circles into his skin.

 Feeling completely enveloped in care and appreciation, Arnold vowed to himself to never forget this feeling, this feeling of complete wholeness. He kissed Kevin’s bare shoulder sloppily and lazily; the gesture was accepted, and he felt Kevin hum against his skin.

 Arnold tumbled off the edge of consciousness into sleep, and Kevin could tell by his suddenly deeper breaths. Taking in a glance at the bruises decorating Arnold’s neck, shoulders, and collarbone, Kevin felt proud of his handiwork, placing one more kiss upon his lover’s forehead before too, careening off the ledge into the enveloping abyss.

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