Even More Drabbles?? Seriously??

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Comment if you find the Falsettos reference. (It's not very hard)

"Is this your card?" Kevin asked for the fifth time that night as he withdrew the seven of hearts from the deck and presented it to Arnold confidently. This elicited the desired reaction as Arnold's jaw dropped before he snatched the card roughly from Kevin's fingers. Crinkling his nose and squinting his eyes, he studied every inch of the card with heavy scrutiny.

"How do you keep doing that?! I don't get it!" He pouted as he tossed the card back at him, the paper flying and falling short of its destination. Kevin grinned smugly at him as he picked it up and folded it back into the deck, shuffling absentmindedly.

"Wanna try it again?"

Crossing his arms and puffing out his freckled cheeks, Arnold's eyebrows furrowed with frustrated fascination. "Yeah. It's super cool, but I'm gonna figure out how you do it eventually!" Raising his eyebrows skeptically, Kevin's smirk widened.

"Okay then, pick a card."

Pausing for a moment, Arnold carefully examined every card, unlike the other times he'd done this; Kevin could trace the movement of his eyes as they passed over and scanned every individual card. Pushing his glasses back up the bridge of his nose, Arnold selected a card and hurriedly brought it close to him, watching Kevin so as to make sure he didn't see. Such a thing made Kevin let out an unexpected laugh, and that beautiful sight made Arnold blush ever so slightly.

"You can laugh all you want, but I won't give in to your attractiveness and show you my card!"

That only made Kevin giggle a bit more. "You won't need to show it to me, I'll figure out what it is anyways." Huffing with a light blush, Arnold glanced down at his card: the two of clubs. Handing it back hesitantly, he made direct eye contact with Kevin, staring him down with such an intensity that Kevin couldn't help but smile- he was taking this so seriously!

He shuffled the deck a few times, loving the simple memories that he was making; messing with Arnold was just too much fun! It was strange how an evening like this is the best thing to him. Just a few years ago, he had craved adventure, to change the world. But now? All Kevin wanted was to spend his days and nights with Arnold, holding him tight and letting him know just how much he loved him.

Setting the deck down on the floor in front of him, Kevin withdrew a card and flipped it to face Arnold.

"Is this your card?"

Instantly, Arnold's eyes widened, and he gasped.

"How?!! That has to be magic!! I can't figure out magic!" Rising to his feet, Arnold walked off towards the kitchen, seemingly fed up with Kevin's trick. "I'm done, I give up!"

Kevin watched him walk off with a small smile. Leaning over and grabbing a pen and a ripped corner of paper from an end table, he scribbled down a small note. Arnold came back in a moment with a glass of grape juice, passing by Kevin on the floor and plopping down on the couch beside him.

"Hey, come on, wanna try it one last time?"

Arnold turned and looked down at him for a moment before shaking his head and turning on the t.v. Letting out a small sigh, Kevin scooched closer to the couch and laid his hand on Arnold's arm tenderly.

"I'm positive you'll figure it out this time."

This resulted in another glance, but this time his eyes were wide and optimistic. Kevin flashed him his charming smile, and the butterflies who took up residency in Arnold's gut began to flap their wings to the accelerated beating of his heart.

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