Chapter Ten

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Sorry I haven't posted in a few days! I've got a lot of school stuff and preparations for the holidays on my plate. And now that we've got that out of the way... Oh. My. Gosh. Over 1,000 reads! I'm so excited right now thank you guys so much for all of your support and kind comments and votes and for sticking with me for nine chapters!! I could go on and on about how thankful I am forever—but you want to read the chapter, probably, so I'm just gonna keep quiet. Thank you a million!

Silveny...That doesn't make any sense.

SEE BABY! SEE BABY! COME! COME! COME! She didn't seem agitated in the slightest. In fact, she was downright happy.

Where are you?

Silveny send an image of Havenfield's pastures, which meant she hadn't escaped. So how could she see Luna and Wynn?

"Fitz," she started hastily. "Silveny says she can see the baby alicorns. I'm worried they've escaped."

Fitz was so shocked that he didn't seem hurt by her lack of listening to his romantic banter. "Do you need to teleport us?"

"No, she's at Havenfield, and I have my home crystal. You stay here and get the results. If the representative cones back, tell him there was an emergency. Sandor is down the hall."

Now he looked hurt. "I can help. The results can wait if Silveny needs us."

"Fitz..." She took his hands in hers. "I want to know if I get to spend my life with you."

Did she just say that out loud?!?!

"Um, I mean..." she cleared her throat. "It's important to know. And I'll be back. Probably very soon." She tried to pull away, but Fitz held on tighter.

"You're not going to go wrangle an alicorn or fix an animal pen or maybe even put yourself in grave danger all alone. I'm going with you. So is Sandor. And if the matchmaker comes back with the results and we aren't here, so be it. Besides, I think news as important as our relationship will also be sent by scroll anyway." Sophie knew from his tone that he wouldn't budge from his argument. Not to mention, if she tried to light leap, Sandor would surely follow her, and she didn't want to leave Fitz alone in a public place. The Lost Cities weren't as safe as they used to be, before the Neverseen.

So, she begrudgingly agreed.

Fitz clapped his hands. "Alright—let's go see what the alicorns are doing!" His enthusiasm was not shared, however. Sophie had a feeling that things were less than peachy with Silveny and Greyfell. The two walked to Sandor and leapt to the pastures of Sophie's home.

• • • • • •

As it turned out, she was wrong. Luna and Wynn were still safely hidden away, in no danger of being taken by the Neverseen or exposed to the outside world. The two parent alicorns weren't with them, either. They were watching what looked like an enormous television propped up on the side of the old alicorn pen with utmost concentration. Just as Sophie was about to ask what they were gazing so intently at, she caught sight of a small, knobby-kneed horse with areas of silver, small wings, and a stub of a horn floating in a membrane on-screen. Luna.

"What do you think?" Asked a bright voice. Sophie, Sandor and Fitz turned to see a confident Dex. He looked at the screen and back to them. "Tinker and I made it for the alicorns. This way, they're always in touch without risking anyone's safety."

"Dex..." She started. "This is amazing." Dex shrugged off the compliment and said Tinker was the real genius, but his smile said he was flattered. Fitz agreed that the system was great for Silveny and Greyfell, and Sandor nodded as well before Grady came over to the conversation. He paused to give Fitz a less-than-friendly look before addressing Sophie and Sandor.

"Your training is going to start a little later this afternoon," he said. "Bo is setting it up now."

Sophie nodded. "I actually need to head back to the..." She gauged Grady's facial expression..."Matchmaking Office with Fitz. So that works out perfectly."

Grady made a sound that sounded slightly like a growl of disapproval. But Sophie could tell he was tired—probably from using telekinesis to lift such a heavy screen over to the pastures—and didn't want an argument, so he sighed and nodded. "Oh, and make sure to have your imparter where you can get to it. Alden said he might have some news." Sophie patted an expertly concealed pocket on her sleeve and cleared her throat awkwardly.

"Well...bye, then."

"See you in a little while, kiddo."

• • • • • •

As it turned out, Sophie, Fitz and Sandor were quite early. The two elves waited in their small room for at least half an hour before the now familiar male representative came in.

"Your results are ready; please follow me."

Hi again! I'd just like to address a few things really quick. First, and most obviously, comment on what you want to see written, what you don't understand, what side character ships you want, what I'm doing wrong, or anything you want to say. It helps me edit and make this story better for the both of us! (Don't worry, the other characters will appear more in the next coming chapter!) 😉 Also, a lot of comments have been asking for me to publish the Fitz POV short story from Flashback. Guys, I would, I really really would, but it's against the law (especially on Wattpad if you read the copyright conditions) to publish someone else's copyrighted work without their legal consent. I'm sorry I can't give it to you because I know the struggle (I had it with the Keefe story in Nightfall), but I don't want to get in any trouble.

Aaaand on that bright note, I hope you enjoyed this chapter! Vote if you did, comment if you didn't. Or both. Or neither. I'm happy either way.

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