Chapter Twelve

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"...That's kind of a high number, right?" Asked Sophie. Fitz still hadn't moved or spoken. Councillor Oralie answered for him.

"It's more like an incredibly high number. The Matchmaking Office has only been doing compatibility testing for just over a year, but they have been taking percentages of matches for centuries. The highest a couple can get is one hundred percent, but that is near impossible. The closest that any two people have ever gotten is a score of 97.2 percent. You two, if I'm not mistaken, are now ranked third most compatible in all of Eternalia."

Now Fitz spoke up.

"See? We're obviously highly compatible. Plus, we're already Cognates. I don't see why it's so difficult for us to be dating; even if Sophie manifests more abilities—and I don't doubt she will—she'll still be a Telepath and we'll still be stronger together." Sophie, before she could even think, turned to Fitz and hugged him as hard as she could. Oralie pursed her lips to conceal her smile.

"Well." The Councillor cleared her throat nervously. "I'm sure you both would probably disobey the Council even with a bad match law in place." Sophie shook her head.

"No, I'll do what I'm asked. I don't want Fitz to be stuck in a bad match because of me."

Councillor Oralie gave her a look that said, just go with it. "No, you'd definitely break the rules. And that would constitute bad publicity around you that we don't have time for." This time, she understood.

"Ohhhh. Yeah, I wouldn't be able to stay in line." Fitz chimed in, too. "Neither would I," he said. "And the Council doesn't have time to keep crowds away from Sophie or me. The bodyguard count would be much too high."

Councillor Oralie smiled, then sighed dramatically. "Then... I suppose I'll just have to convince the rest of the Council that it's inefficient to keep two Cognates from each other like we've been trying to do." She winked at the pair of elves.

Sophie was practically giddy. Less than a week before, she had been completely devastated about losing her chance with Fitz. Now, not only were they allowed to be together, but they were one of the most compatible couples in Elvin history. Fitz was obviously happy too because he swept Sophie off the cave's carpeted flooring and spun her around, just like he did after they saved the baby alicorns. He and Sophie laughed together for what felt like no time at all before Councillor Oralie spoke up, her mouth twisted up nervously.

"Well...we still need to have a private meeting with the rest of the Council." Fitz put Sophie down, his eyes blank.

"When?" He asked simply.

Councillor Oralie sighed sadly. "Now."

                              • • • • • •

After Oralie called a meeting with her rather glittery Imparter, she leapt Sophie and Fitz to the Tribunal Hall. She allowed them to tell their families they would be out later than expected, and that they were perfectly safe.

Less than four seconds later, Grady appeared, pathfinder in hand and looking very displeased. Next to him was Sandor, equally unhappy.

"Do want to tell me why you've been gone all day and haven't called once before this? Sandor came to Havenfield and told me you leapt away to who knows where! I almost fell over with worry. I don't want you running around to unknown places; danger could be there! The Neverseen could be there!! Now I find you with a Councillor outside of Tribunal Hall. What am I supposed to think, Sophie?!" Grady's face became redder and redder with his speech, but he looked worn and weary by the end of it. Less like an angry beast and more like a worried father. "Edaline was so scared, Sophie. She and your other bodyguards searched every inch of Eternalia."

Sophie hung her head, now realizing what she had put her parents through. "I'm sorry," she mumbled. "I had no idea I was gone that long." Grady walked over to her and hugged her. "It's alright now, kiddo. Just keep in mind that we need to know what's going on so we can protect you." Sophie wanted to say that she didn't need protection, but it felt like the wrong time. She wouldn't have gotten the chance to, though, because Oralie said they should head inside.

"We're quite early, but I want you both to go into the setup room and get two chairs to put onstage, across from the Councillor thrones. Since this meeting is on such short notice, no one sent any gnomes to get everything set up. You'll need my DNA; here you go." She handed Sophie a small glass bottle filled with soaked cotton, much like the one she had received from Fitz months before. Sophie handed the bottle to Fitz and tried to keep from gagging. But Fitz's mind wasn't honking about how gross the thought of a bottle of spit was.

"Should a Councillor really be giving out her DNA?"

Councillor Oralie shrugged. "You're the moonlark and you're her Cognate. I know I can trust you both. I'll be getting ready for the meeting. I'll see you very soon." And with that short speech, she held up her pathfinder and shimmered into nothing.

"Well, we should probably go," said Fitz. Sophie nodded in agreement. Grady, taking the hint, leapt back to Havenfield. Sandor stayed and followed the pair of elves into the Tribunal Hall. He split off from Sophie and Fitz to look for any dangers or threats.

Reading the signs posted around the grand building, Sophie and Fitz made their way to the setup room. Fitz was the one reading the signs, since they were in runes, so Sophie walked slightly behind him and followed where he went. They didn't speak out loud as they went— the hall was much too quiet for that. Instead, they transmitted to each other.

Do you think they'll let us be together? Asked Sophie.

Definitely, replied Fitz. Once they see our compatibility score, they'll know we belong with each other.

Sophie's mind got stuck on his last phrase. Belong with each other, she repeated.

Fitz blushed a deep crimson and began to walk slightly faster. He bit his lip. Well. I mean. I was just thinking that. Um. You know. We. I mean. If you look at the score. Um.

Fitz, interrupted Sophie. I think we belong with each other, too. His relief and joy were palpable, and he turned and grabbed Sophie in a hug. She wrapped her arms around him, and they both sighed contentedly. Knowing that they had to get the chairs, though, they let go of each other and kept moving. Not long after, they found the setup room. It was an unremarkable brown door with a silver DNA panel and no other decoration. Fitz opened up the small bottle Oralie had given them and pressed it against the panel. Since the cotton ball stuck out of the opening, the door clicked softly and swung open. Sophie and Fitz both walked in, only to see something they never wanted to see.

Councillors Alina and Emery in a full-force makeout session.

Sophie and Fitz stayed perfectly silent and began to back out of the room, both transmitting panicked thoughts.

Isn't that illegal?


Let's get out of here!

That's so disgusting!

Should we tell Councillor Oralie?

Don't let them see you!

But Sophie stepped on Fitz's foot and he gasped just the slightest, quietest bit—enough for Councillor Alina to flick her eyes over to them and quickly pull her lips away from Councillor Emery's. She gave them a look of shock, fear, and anger so powerful that all Sophie could think was uh-oh.

"Well," started Councillor Alina. "Perhaps we should head into the main Tribunal Hall."

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