Chapter 2

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"Will everyone please take a seat?" council member Trewn motioned a downwards motion that the people followed. Worry, excitement, and anger drafted through the room. My dress feels soft under my fiddling fingers. I close my eyes, taking a deep breath to keep the anxiety down.

"Thank you." A harsh noise comes from the old wooden chair the man sits down in. I don't want to think about what the meeting is about to cover. Our community is anything but perfect, but at least we all love each other. Even thinking of sending some of our strongest, smartest young women makes me sick. They could send Feen, the fastest runner by far in the city, Margarett, who fights for nothing but peace and love, Everly, the only girl with red hair for miles each way. Mae.

Garrett Greendale stands slowly, almost timid to address the worried crowd.

"I know." He begins. "I know that we are shocked. I know that each and every one of you have worries, feels anger." His head turns to look each of us in the eye. "But now is not the time to freeze. The royal family will only hurt our city, our country, more if we do not agree to their terms." I hate the government. I hate the government. I hate the royal family. "I propose we send our three best girls who are willing to go. At least then, we can know they are happy."

"Preposterous, we need our best girls here, in our community!" A young woman I don't recognize is now on her feet along with Garrett. "If we send the royal family our best girls we are making ourselves even poorer." Henri squeezes my hand. I let go of the harsh grip I hadn't realized I had.

"I think it's a fabulous idea. With better chances of girls comes a better chance for more funding and a better country." Voices erupted. Henri tugged on my arm, and I allowed myself to fall into his side. I had never seen the council so upset and divided in opinion.

"We shall vote!" The voices ceased quickly. Mrs. Turm stood holding her crutch under her arm. "We always vote." Garrett helped her back into her seat. Her gray hair bobbed as she falls smugly into her sitting position.

"All in favor of picking girls manually and sending them, say I." Several voices ring through the small, dirty room.

"All in favor of letting the girls who want to go, say I."

"I" I raised my voice a bit, trying to give my end an edge.

The obvious winner was unsettling.

"It is decided then. The community will come together and choose three girls who will have no choice but to go. This will conclude our meeting today. God bless Marcellona."

"God bless Marcellona."


"What are you doing?!" Mae's laughter fills the room as she turns to run away.

"Get back here you little nerd." I push myself around the damaged counter to chase her into the living room. "You can't get away from me that easily."

"No! I swear I didn't mean to!"

"Doesn't matter!" I run with her towards the edge of the room, standing in front of her cornered self. "I've got you now!" I slowly reach my hands forward, tauntingly.

"No ple-" Her voice is interrupted by rolls of laughter. I tickle her more. Her vibrant laughter fills the room.

"Okay, you two." I turn towards Henri's voice. His ruffled blonde hair contrasts with the dark circles under his eyes.

Mae stares at Henri. I give her a subtle look. She nods, understanding, and walks slowly away and around the corner, presumably to her room.

"What's wrong?" My feet carry me quickly to his slumped figure. I lay my hand gently on his face. "Are you okay?" A soft tear rolls down his cheek. My face falls into sympathy.

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