You haven't changed, Yuichiro

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"Good morning, beautiful."

Yuichiro calmly woke up to the angelic voice. He blinked his tired eyes fast, and looked to his right to see where that voice came from.


"Yes, I'm here."

The ravenette turned his head to glance at the clock. "You're here early." he stated.

"Correct." Mikaela shifted on the bed a bit. He sat on his feet with his knees bent. "Yuu-chan, will you please get up? I have a surprise for you."

"A surprise?!" the boy shot up.

"You sure got up quick." the blonde chuckled.

"I...I got excited."

"You're so cute."

Yuichiro blushed. "What's my surprise?"

"Close your eyes~"


Yuu hates to admit how flustered he still gets with the blonde. They've known each other for eleven months now but still, every little word makes him squeal like a school girl. Heck, every time their eyes meet makes Yuu want to melt into a puddle. Shinoa teases him about it a lot.

"So uh...what is it?"

Just as Yuu began to get antsy Mika spoke up, "I'm just seeing how long you can last."

"Huh?" what does that mean? He wondered.

"You're always in a rush when you're excited, so I'm making you wait."

"Hey! Come on, that's not fair!" he pouted. "I don't make you wait for your gifts!"

"Well...I guess you've got a point."

Just as Yuu was about to agree, he felt soft lips crash into his own.


Mika smiled into the kiss. "Did I startle you?"

"A bit. But in a good way...if that makes sense?"

Mika pulled back after a few more seconds. "That was your gift by the way. Guren asked me to get you up, so I figured the mention of a gift would work; I was correct."

"Hey wait, so you played me!?"

"I wouldn't call it 'played' it was more so....?"

"Played!" Yuichiro chimed in.

"Alright fine, I 'played' you."


"So you didn't enjoy my kiss hmm? How saddening."

"No, that was nice. I enjoyed that a lot actually..." his face flushed red.

"Oh? Would you like some more of that 'gift'?"

"Oh yes please."

The blonde smiled and complied. Leaning forward he connected their lips together. In the process he pressed the other boy down onto the white messy sheets below him.

Smashing their lips together in such a quick manner made Yuichiro give a muffled moan. "Fuck, that's embarrassing." he thought.

Yuichiro gasped as the blonde began biting at his lower lip. "Oh fuck, oh fuck." He repeated in his head.
"I'm getting aroused." he thought. Yuu knew he must have been so red in the face. "Damn it Mika, if you keep doing this-"

The blonde moved lower and bit down on the ravenette's neck.

"Awhh...oh fuck!.." Yuichiro shouted. He quickly realized his mistake.
"Oh god, do you think anyone heard that?...." he asked completely embarrassed by the situation.

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