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It's 2 a.m and namjoon currently still in his studio, working for his incoming mixtape.

There's a few knocks on his door but namjoon ignores whoever the person because he wants to finish his works. The person behind his door already feels irritate as namjoon not answering his knocks.

"Open the damn door, namjoon!"

Namjoon groaning while he stands from his seat, stretching his body after sitting for who knows how long it is. He opens the door to reveal his hyung, Min Yoongi.

"Hyung, why are you here?" Namjoon asks him, stepping aside to the older come inside his messy studio. Yoongi walking inside the studio with his hand holding a black plastic bag with foods inside it.

"I bring you food because I'm hungry." Yoongi says in boredom as he places the plastic bag ontop the table. Namjoon smiles weakly at the older and close the door behind him. He goes to yoongi while yoongi already bring out the spare chair and sit beside namjoon's.

"Auw hyung, thank you."

Namjoon sitting back on his previous seat. Yoongi already gets their foods out from the plastic bag and places it in front of them.

"Shut up and eat!" Yoongi growls while ordering the younger to eat his food. Namjoon chuckles and ruffles on yoongi's hair.

"Don't touch my hair, punk!"

The older slaps namjoon's hand and sending namjoon glare before he starts to eat his food. Namjoon just chuckles before he does the same as his hyung, eats his own food.

While yoongi is blushing right now because of the younger and he wishes the younger would keep touching him again.

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