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"Fuck off." Hoseok huffs when yoongi cut off his words. He just want to ask him out for dinner because jin is going out with the maknae line and they won't be back home until tomorrow. Hoseok don't want to eat only pizza for dinner so he want to go to the new restaurant near his studio with his hyung and but thing not going like he plan when yoongi rejects him before he could even ask the older.

Hoseok sighs as he looks at his hyung on the couch, lifeless.

Well, I guess it would be namjoon and me only, hoseok mentally says to himself. As he thinks about his other friend, namjoon come out from his hiding and sit on the floor in front of yoongi.


"Yes namjoon?"

This time it's namjoon's word that cut off by yoongi. Hoseok scoffs and rolls his eyes when he hear yoongi's replies to namjoon.

"Favoritism is shit." Hoseok says not caring that he just say it loudly. Yoongi send him glares while namjoon tilt his head in confusion over his face.

It's not like hoseok is jealous. He already know that his hyung likes namjoon but he thinks that yoongi is being unfair toward them (he and other members). He treats them 'fuck off' ly while namjoon gets his super gummy smiles.

"What is that?" Namjoon asks hoseok with slight confusion in his tone.

"Nothing Joon. By the way, do you want to come with me for dinner tonight?"

"Of course I want." Namjoon says and smiles widely to hoseok meanwhile yoongi looks at them with pout. He doesn't like when namjoon smile at people besides him. Yoongi want namjoon for himself.

"How bout me?" Yoongi eyes now focus to hoseok while hoseok rolls his eyes for twice times because of yoongi.

"I want to ask you but you tell me to fuck off." Hoseok cross his arms on his chest and huffs.

"Oh. Okay then let's go." Yoongi says as stands up and goes to his room. Namjoon just smiles at hoseok before do the same as the older, go to his own room.

Hoseok at this time he wishes he is older that yoongi so he could punch him in the face but sadly he is not. He let a long sighs before goes to his room and changes his clothes.

"He's totally an asshole."

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