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"hyung, are you okay?" namjoon ask as he look at the older man through the mirror. Yoongi hum while the take a bottle from hoseok. He open the bottle and drink it. They are currently inside the practice room, practicing their new choreography.

Yoongi is sitting on the floor while his back meets the wall behind him and his eyes are close.

Namjoon face shows worry as he looks the pale man.

He's paler today

Namjoon can hear his hyung heavy breathing from far. He can't help but feel worried to the older.

He stands up from his seat and goes to sit next to the older. Yoongi flinch when he felt someone's hand touch his sweaty forehead. He want to open his eyes but he feel extremely tired so he just let the person touch him. Namjoon let a gasp when his backhand meets yoongi's skin.

"hyung, you are burning," Namjoon says to the older but he doesn't get any response from him.

"what's wrong, joon?" jin ask from far.

"yoongi hyung got a fever," Namjoon says. Jimin immediately goes to yoongi and touch his forehead as namjoon did before.

"we should stop practicing. I don't think hyung can continue." Hoseok says while eyeing yoongi before order his friends to collect their thing because they will going to their dorm after this.

Namjoon leaves the sick man to jimin as he goes to collect his things and yoongi's. After he finish, he goes to his hyung back while jimin go to pick his things.

"hyung? Can you walk?" namjoon ask the older. Yoongi snorts to the younger before opening his mouth to speak.

"it's just a fever, joon. I can walk." Yoongi say before he standing up while namjoon help him. They start to walk to the door until yoongi stop his step and bring his hand to rub his temples. Namjoon without thinking twice he pick up the older in bridal style. Yoongi let a cute gasp in namjoon arms. His face is red and he feels hotter than before.

"what are you doing, joon? Put me down!" yoongi say while his eyes look at everywhere but namjoon.

"shut up hyung." Namjoon growl before he starts to walk out of the building. Yoongi stops protesting and wrap his arms around namjoon neck. He spots their van. Jungkook is behind namjoon now running to the van and open the door for them. Namjoon quick thanks to the maknae and place his hyung on the seat carefully. Namjoon gets inside the car and seat next to yoongi before closing the door while yoongi let a sigh.

"I'm sorry guys." Yoongi apologizes to his friends. Jin is in the driver seat, he looks at yoongi through the mirror before speak.

"what were you apologized for?" jin ask while start to drive to their dorm.

"because me, we need to stop practice-"

"it's not your fault that you are sick. Don't worry about the practice. we still have much time for it." Namjoon cut off yoongi's words while yoongi slightly pouting.

"and you should tell us if you sick." namjoon added as he places his hand on yoongi's thigh. Yoongi just sits in silence as his eyes on namjoon hand that on his thigh. He can't help but smile. His face and his ears are completely in dark pink color. Namjoon doesn't realize that his hand still on the older thigh and it's not like yoongi mind about it. He loves it and he loves when the younger are worried about him.

Maybe I should get myself sick often.

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