Childhood (5.4)

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POV- Third Person

Right when the clock struck mid-night the boys paused the movie, moved this food to the side and placed each of their gifts in front of her, it was their tradition to guess who got her what.

First up was a silver box that was handcrafted with her name ingraved, along with a card that read 'Free Pass Coupon, god knows you'd need them.' Rolling her eyes, "Yes! Yes! Yes! Thank you Titus, these cards would come in handy when I get into trouble. Let's see, Get your wish, one day Slave, take the blame card. These are perfect!" Giving him a peck on his cheek.

"Next is this red box, wow! Are these those handmade paint brushes I've been begging my parents for?" Her eyes look watery, she sniff "Mace, thank you! God, they're beautiful. Did I say thank you? Come here you goof, give me a hug."

Once they hugged, she sets herself to open another box, a turquoise gift wrapped box, which for some weird reason had a hole, "Umm.. what could this be? This gift trumps them all. Cee, youve outdone yourself. I love her, she's gorgeous. Aren't you my baby?" She says cooing the new Siberian husky in her arms. "She reminds me of Snowy, Hail. I'll name her Hail."

She sits her in between her legs, Next she picks up a box that's made out of wood, inside lay the best quality leather and fur products, a fur jacket, Shawl, socks, a hand woven bracelet, sweater, slip-ons, etc. All the essentials for Renessme since she is always feeling cold as the core temperature of Hybrids is always hot, they prefer cooler climates or put the air conditioning temperature to freezing. "They're so amazing, Jay. You hunted them all, didn't you? It's so soft. You'd need to tell me what animals they were." Sighing, "Don't kill them because of me Jay, if My wellbeing comes at the cost of another's life, I don't want that." Jason pulls into his arms, "Your well-being and safety would always be mine, ours main concern. No matter what the cost Esme." Kissing her on her forehead, he passes her the last gift.

"Whatever this is Atty, I'm sure I'd love it." She opens the tiny box, there lays a key in it. Curious, she looks into his eye. "Thanks?" Laughing, "your gift is back home. I built you a few of TreeHouses across the Islands, your private haven stacked with all your favourite novels."

Crawling to Attrius, she snuggles into his warm body, "Love you for this Ats." His body stiffens hearing her say those words, but finally snuggles into her embrace and relaxes himself.

"There is one last gift" hearing this she's all pumped, the five every year give one combined gift. "What is it?" Excitement not hidden in her voice.

Laughing, Jason puts a letter into her hands "This is it. Open." Raising an eyebrow, tears the envelope to read the letter. "Is this for real? Oh god! How did you convince mum and Dad? Shoot! I'm not prepared for this, I need books, stationary, new clothes. Yes! I'm going to school. It means so much to me you guys. Thank you." Excited she jumps up and down and finally rushes out the door.

Growling Jason flashes out and grabs hold of her arms, "Where the hell do you think you're going wearing that Renessme?" Looking up at Jason, she looks at him like he's grown two heads. "I've worn this while sleeping since forever Jay, I thought you liked my unicorn nightwear." Her eyes roam down to her satin speghetti top and shorts, hands moving uncomfortably around her cloths.

To rescue his brother from this situation, Attrius walks over to them, "Es, maybe wear pajamas before you go outside the room. We don't know what kind of people are here, if it was the Palace things would be different. That's what he means." Cutting in Mason says, "Isn't that right, Jason?" He meekly nods his head.

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