The Lies. The Truth. (7.17)

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Somewhere between the palace walls

Eww... why are there so many cobwebs here? Just as I pushed one to the side, I got thinking. Wait! Am I killing their houses by doing this? I'm a murderer.

Slumping my shoulders in defeat, Do people not know of these narrow passages? Oh my! Did I just discover an undiscovered part of the palace? How cool would it be to tell the boys of its existence. Should I just spy on people and see what is happening around here? Isn't it too late? I'm already doing that.

Isn't this invasion of their privacy?
Should I scratch the plan?!
Just settle on the boys, they say they've nothing to hide from me anyway.

Manoeuvring the flashlight from phone on the ground, looking out for any possible boogy traps. The thin tunnel-like passage way wasn't any wider than half a meter. Thick black soot covered what once used to white cemented brick wall, fungi and mildew seemed to have found its home on them. None of that was going to get me to back down, even the unpleasant musty smell of death.

All of a sudden something crawls on the back of my neck I shuddered, swatting it away.

Maybe this wasn't a good idea!
Haven't you heard curiosity killed the cat, Es?
This was so stupid.
You'd die here, alone.

My thoughts were interrupted when I felt a hand grab my arm, rolling my eyes I shimmy his hand away. His heavy breathing and audibly harsh gulping made this secret mission rather painful.

Is he really their delta?

When he couldn't touch me, I heard him whine and huff out air anxiously. Great! Wait, Is he having a panic attack?
Not wanting to him to pass out on me, I turn towards him, finally facing Jacobson. First thing I notice is his shivering body, eyes forced shut, mumbling a silent prayer to god.

Such a kid!

A small smile etched on the side of my lips, as I was about to grab hold of his hand, he beats me to it. In hopes to grab my shoulder, instead he now holds one of my boob. Rendered speechless, I stood there agape with eyes big as saucers.

His voice echos, curiously, "Ren, That's doesn't feel like your hand... or your shoulder."

My body was hot, cheeks red, I couldn't help but stutter, "Because it's not."

His brows scrunch together, not letting it go, he thinks of an ingenious plan to use his other hand to squishing both my boobs now.

"It's soft." He mumbles, and suddenly when it dawns on him he stands there stunned still not moving his hands away from me.

Trying to pull back from him, I hiss, "Maybe you should let go now, Jacob!"

"I.. of course! Yea." He grumbles. When it dawns on me that he's doesn't liking not having physical contact with me in these passage ways that consists on monsters according to him.

I budge, sighing I grab on to his hand this time, "I can't believe this."

"Believe what?" He equips back.

Groaning I snap at him, "Wasn't it you who wanted to come with me on this... 'adventure?"

His body inches behind behind me, Jacobson cried,"You should've told me this adventure would have those huge creepy things?"

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