Childhood (5.20)

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PoV- Third Person

"So who is it?" Inquires Ceaser, looking over to Renessme who seemed muddled up, thinking its best to clarify further, "The hottest amongst us"

Not wanting to hurt anyone, she mumbles "You all are?" Her words sounded more like a question.

Knowing she's playing it safe, Titus commands her, "Rate us then Esme."

"No" she shrieks.

Rolling his eyes at her reluctance, "Fine! Then you choose now."

She looks over at him like he's lost his mind, "Nope, I can never choose one of you. Not now, not ever."

Jason was fast to take advantage of this dilemma of hers, "How about you snuggle with me? I can't sleep without you next to me."

Hearing his twin suggest that, Mason becomes agitated, "Well. I can say the same Jason, back off. It's upto her, so don't even think about it."

Attrius without a second thought, backs up Mason, "I agree, it's the first time we won't be cuddled together, so it's best if she just decides on her own."

Not wanting them to fight, she comes up with a solution to this problem, "As you can see how layered I am, won't it be best if you all take the sleeping bags? None of you have enough layers to keep you warmed up, and I can just sleep near the fire. It'll work out perfectly that way."

"Nope, you've to share it with one of us, it's cold and we can't take that chance with your health." Coos Titus.

Sensing how she wouldn't choose, Attrius took another approach with her, "Okay Ren.. Who warms you up the fastest"

She thought about all the past years, finally utters "Umm.. Mason"

Content with an answer, "Then it's decided, you share the sleeping bag with him, go on."

Mason stood there with a smirk on his face, "I knew I was the hottest" he mumbles loud enough for everyone to hear.

Ren walks over to the sleeping bag and shots him down, "Nah.. Not really Macee"

Observing his face, one could make out he was offended, "Excuse me! Who do you reckon is hotter than this?" His shirt laid on the floor, his hands kept motioning up and down to his abs.

Her shoulder shrug, "Nothing against you, but I've seen better" she teases him.

"Wait up! Who the fuck did you see naked?" Snarls Mason

An annoyed Titus demands, "Hold up women! Where were we?"

It was Jason who took a while to note that she had actually said those words, "You should be getting to know about the world better and not the Male anatomy".

Ignoring the never ending remarks, she corrects Mason first, "Semi naked actually"

"Who? How many?" Grits out a furious Ceaser.

"I study about the world in school, when did you see me gawk at the boys?" She responds to Jason's comment.

"When and where Es?" Interrogated Attrius

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