Childhood (5.5)

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POV- Third Person

A little late in the afternoon that the boys finally decided to crawl to the bathroom and freshen up, four took to the guest room across the floor to save up time. Renessme walked to the dresser, and picked out clothes for each of them and placed them on the bed outside.

Titus walks out the room wrapped up in his towel, a smile spread across his face when he saw Ren had picked out clothes for them. "Thanks, Es." Kissing her forehead, he get changed all the while, Ren keeps talking to him about her plans for school sprawled on the bed. The others join in the conversation while getting ready as well.

"Jay, what's that?" All eyes are at Jason now, glancing over Ren with a smirk, " it hurts me Esmy that this the first time you've noticed my abs." He states with a glint of mischief in his eyes.

Her eyes roam all their bodies, " Wow! Why do you all have that?"

She looks down at her own tummy, pushes her sweater up to flash them her unflattened stomach. "I need those right here, I'm fat. God! What if everyone in school has flat stomach unlike mine. They'd bully me, right? Everyone would think I'm weird and hate me.." with each passing minute her insecurities came in the forefront.

The boys look over at her, and the wolf inside them starts getting them hard, he demands to be able to mark her and mate her. Make her their, till all eternity. The animal has carnal needs that one can control only till there is no ounce of control left whatsoever.

Her monologue is disrupted when Ceaser cups her cheeks in his large palms, "if I were you Esme, I'd worry more about those thighs of yours."

They all seem to be laughing, and don't register Renessme's hand flying in the air. As soon as those words leave his mouth, she punches him in the face. "I hate you all, don't ever talk to me again. Once I get a strong boyfriend, I'll ask him to kick your ass." With that she stomps out of the room.

None of them make a move after her, they're all fuming and stood there stunned.

Mason grabs Ceaser by his collar, "The hell asshole! You shouldn't have said that" he fumes.

Pushing Mason back to lose his balance, "Oh yea! Then why the fuck were you laughing your ass off? Jerk face!"

Placing a punch on each of their face "If she gets herself a boyfriend, I'd kill him first and then you both." Grits out Titus.

Grinding his teeth Jason shouts, "We need to look for her, Mindlink once any one of you finds her. Understood?"

It has been two hours, none of them can seem to find any traces of her. Her smell dies down in the kitchen, it's has to be due to the heavy food aromas along with the coffee cup that's on the counter.

"Any luck?" Mindlinks Attrius.

Defeated sighs or clicking of tongue come as a response from his brothers.

They all meet in the front yard, "Could she have left the palace grounds? Jason Mumbles more to himself.

Trying his best to calm down, Titus reason "She doesn't know anyone here, I don't think she'd be careless enough to just simply walk out. Also, we have guards at every corner, if they won't have seen her they would certainly smell her out."

"Gosh! I shouldn't have, I'm so stupid. What if she never forgives me? Girls always get sentimental about these stupid things" shrieks Ceaser.

Attrius starts rushing towards the outhouse that is near the lake, the guard gives him a nod and open the door.

Instantly the boys are greeted with the smell of lavender. The relief that rushes over their body is turned into anger when they smell two distinct males as well, Jacobson and Jayden.

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