The Lies. The Truth. (7.13)

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I hummed in content as I felt Ceaser hand combing my hair. It was his fifth attempt to mimic a fishtail braid, all due to a recently liked post on Instagram. His light strokes on my hair, were enough to make my eyes droopy despite the clock reading three 'o'clock in the afternoon.

I glance to the left side of the room, where Jason was busy working on certain redtapped files, they were stacked one on top of another, the pile never seemed to finish. On the floor behind him, Titus and Mason was laying on their stomachs, working together on a laptop. Next to them was Attrius who was so focused in the television, cursing and smashing the controller as he was unable to beat Ceaser high score record.

Sucking in a deep breath, I de-tangle myself from Cee, and start to walk away from them. I had not even taken five steps, and now Titus was trailing behind me. Irked by his shadowing, I cease my movements, causing for him to collide with me. Elbowing him in his stomach I scowl, "Stop!"

Not bothered about his stomach, he inspects my elbow making sure it wasn't hurt, "Yes, you did stop."

Struggling to free away from his hold, I groan, "Maybe you should stop following me around like a lost puppy, Ty. How about that?"

From behind me, I heard Mason snicker at Titus, irritated I take a jab at him, "Don't you dare, Macee! You were him yesterday"

His eyes stay firm on the file before him, yet Jason comes to his brothers rescue, "Doctors order Princess, bed rest until you recover. That said, ideally you should be ecstatic that we are letting you pee on your own."

That was one week back, I wanted to scream but that wouldn't be a smart move, I had to find some wiggle room here. Which is why, Poking on Ty's chest to get some distance between us, I call out to Attrius for help, "Atty, Are you hearing this?"

"And?" He counter questioned me.

Clearly wouldn't be getting me out of this situation.

"Unbeliveable! All of you." I mutter under my breath, inhaling deeply to calm myself, forcing my eyes shut, I warn Tus, "Let me pee in peace."

Caressing my chin, delicately, he whispers, "Meet us halfway here? One of us just stands outside, Okay? Trust us when we say we're holding back, otherwise it would've been the five of us inside, watching your every minute move."

Gasping, I see Ceaser nodding his head, pointing my fingers at them all, in a accusatory tone it was me who bellowed, "You realise how gross that remark was?"

"Only natural, babe." Mason grins and responds.

Aware that I would not be winning this argument, I turn towards the bathroom, muttering, "Fine! TusTus, you sing, loud!."

A step away from the door, I heard Attrius mumble to one of his brothers, "Maybe we should tell her"

"Tell me what, Ats?" I asked, taking a sharp turn to face them once again.

"Great!" Titus grits.

Realizing I would not let this go, Ceaser gleefully announces, "Nothing big, just that, we've heard whatever that it is you do inside since we were as young as five, Es."

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