"At the Edge of the Trench is a Feather Stained Crimson" - an Excerpt

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Holy fuzz, look what I found!

I was really bored, so I thought I'd check out my old myspace account, and believe it or not, but I'd actually used it 2 years ago O.O

Well anyways, at the time, I thought I was going to write a blog or something (HAH wishful thinking), so I posted this:


January 8, 2010

"The hole was shoveled and he cast me in, deep and unable to feel light. I watched the small circle of white, the rims of the terrible trench, with its dreadful and horrible sun. And then a woman appeared there, and her name was Angel. Her name was Angel de Death and gradually did she begin filling the hole. And when the soil was seated just below my chin I looked up and Angel was gone. I saw my face there with a giant shovel in hand, and I watched as the last of the dirt was poured in.

This is an excerpt from a piece of prose which I'm currently writing. The manuscript is divided into four parts, this particular excerpt coming from part 3. The section is named "At the Edge of the Trench is a Feather Stained Crimson," and consistently throughout the part it speaks of such a metaphor.

Basically what's happening is this: the main character is trying to decide whether or not he's being betrayed. He first refers to his controversial thoughts when he states "But perhaps I’ve landed within a dark trench, and the only way out is to grow a set of wings and fly." He's saying that the task he's been given to do could possibly be a trap, making his life even more complicated. The task would thus become the trench, and the set of wings (once refered to as "white wings" to symbolize purity) would become his only logical way out. Seeing that growing wings would be impossible, he tells the reader of his lack in confidence. Just as it would be to grow a set of wings, shoveling a way out of his problems would be unfeasable.


I must say, I was very poetic and verbose at 15! Sooo many comma errors, ambiguous pronouns, blablahblahhh. I was a freshman, and I'd just discovered the Count of Monte Cristo, so that might explain why it's so... strange hahah :D

Anyways, I hope my writing's better now! To be honest, what I wrote 2 years ago was probably my 6th draft of Hello, and the part 3 it's referring to is actually the book 2 I'm working on now! So much has changed since then. I think if I were to go back and look at that particular version, I'd cry. And rip my eyes. And cry again.

Well, if anyone has any thoughts, I'd like to hear them! This was fun :D

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