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11 ᴘᴍ"What the hell happened?" Jungkook blinked his eyes a couple times, not believing what he was seeing.
"I did it." Faye quickly chimed in as the egg yolk slid down her cheeks.
Jimin raised his brow as he looked over at her. It definitely caught him off guard, but didn't surprise Jungkook at all.
"I knew I shouldn't have left you alone in the kitchen." He shut his eyes, clearly irritated.
"It's okay." Sora stepped in. "I can help her clean it up."
"Thank you Sora, you're a life saver." Jungkook smiled before walking back into the living room.
"Why'd you do that?" Jimin whispered.
"It doesn't matter." Faye tossed the rag on the counter, sighing as she grabbed a mop.
"Jungkook." Jimin made his way into the living room, sitting beside his friend. "Don't be so hard on her."
"Jimin, I'm sorry for doing that in front of you both, but she never takes responsibility for h—
"I did it." Jimin cut him off, leaving the room completely silent.
"Y-you did that?" Jungkook stuttered as he pointed to the messy kitchen.
"I was helping her cook, and tried to blend eggs without putting the cover on." Jimin shrugged his shoulders. "She took the blame for me."
Jungkook rested his head in his hands, biting his lip as hard as he could. "I just blamed her for all of that, and it wasn't even her fault."
"So go apologize." Jimin pushed Jungkook's shoulder.
"Jimin, this isn't normal." Jungkook looked up at him with hurt eyes. "The way we deal with each other is with pure hatred."
"So change that. You both love each other right? So just m—" Jimin narrowed his eyes as Jungkook gave him a guilty look.
"You both love each other right?" Jimin asked a second time, raising his brows as Jungkook still refused to answer. "Jungkook, you bastard."
"I don't know." He practically whined. "We haven't been the same since we had Chul."
"So that kid is the problem." Jimin stood up, ready to find him.
"Jimin." Jungkook pulled him back down, staring at him with widened eyes. "Were you trying to get rid of him?"
"Of course not." Jimin sarcastically remarked, turning his face to evilly grin.

Fanfiction✅ "Admit it Jungkook, she'd rather sleep with me." Jimin Vs Jungkook