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Jimin shuffled around in bed, trying to find a comfortable spot. He narrowed his eyes as he felt something wet on his elbow. It couldn't be Sora, he through to himself. She doesn't do kinky shit like that. Jimin slowly turned his head and noticed the little koala, Chul, attached to his arm.

"How the hell did you get in here?" Jimin lifted the small boy onto his lap.

Chul ignored him, played with a piece of string that he found way more interesting then Jimin. Sora could've sworn Jimin was sleep talking, although he's never done it before. She turned her body, and smile seeing Chul cutely look down at her. He reached his arms forward, trying to get to Sora's arms.

"Here, take him." Jimin muttered, handing the kid over to Sora.

"Where are you going?" Sora asked, trying to keep the boy from pulling her hair.

"To find out how the hell this kid got out of his crib."

"Have fun." Sora chuckled, turning her attention back to Chul. "Why are you so cute—?" She cooed.

Jimin scrunched his nose after hearing her baby voice. He yawned as he headed down stairs, hoping Jungkook and his wife were still sleeping.

"Oh shit." Jimin calmly cursed as stepped on one of the kids, now broken toy.

"What'd you do this time—?" Jungkook muttered as he stood at the counter.

"Uh—nothing." Jimin quickly brushed it off, walking into the kitchen. "Damn, why does it smell like ass in here?" He pinched his nose.

"Amina tried baking cookies by herself and ended up burning them." Jungkook continuing scrubbing the black pan.

"Are your kids spies or something?" Jimin reached for a glass of wine. "I woke up to one of them slobbering on my arm, thinking Sora was finally accepting my tongue kink."

Jungkook choked on his coffee, setting the mug on the shiny counter. "I woke them up."

"What a good idea." Jimin narrowed his eyes.

"You know, I'm actually surprised you woke up so much easily. I though it was going to take you hours." Jungkook softly chuckled.

"Hours for what?" Jimin raised his brow.

"To get ready." Jungkook threw the dirty rag in the sink, setting the baking tray aside.

Jimin bit down on his bottom lip. "You were being serious yesterday, weren't you?"

Jungkook slowly nodded his head and Jimin shut his eyes tightly. A sudden breakthrough of giggles erupted as Amina and Chul ran into the kitchen, trying to avoid getting dressed. Faye rushed into the kitchen, holding two pairs of small boots and gloves.

"Kids, listen to your mother." Jungkook yelled out as he crossed his arms. Jimin raised his brow, making Jungkook frown.


"You really expect your kids to listen to you when you talk to them like you're their sweet old grandma—?" Jimin scoffed.

"How else should I say it—?" Jungkook shrugged his shoulder as innocently as one could.

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