𝙳𝚎𝚌𝚎𝚖𝚋𝚎𝚛 𝟸𝚗𝚍"Which terminal did he say to wait in?" Faye asked while she dragged her suitcase along the floor.
"Uh, I think he said to wait—"
"Junggukie!" Jimin shouted as he leaped into the arms of his best friend.
Faye widened her eyes as she watched her husband get tackled to the floor. Her attention was switched over to Sora, and she squealed. "Oh my god! You're so pregnant!"
"I know!" Sora shouted back as they giggled while jumping up and down. "Our kids are gonna have play dates and spend Christmas together!"
"Wait—" Faye glanced at Sora with soft eyes. "Do you know the gender yet?"
"Nope." Sora beamed a smile. "We decided to find out once the baby arrives."
"Really?" Jungkook turned to Jimin as he overheard the girls conversation.
"Don't look at me." Jimin raised his hands in his defense. "It was all her idea." He pointed to Sora.
"Jungkook, I didn't see you!" Sora pushed past her husband as she brought Jungkook into a hug.
Jimin raised his brow at Faye and the both of them held back their urge to laugh. "How's life Faye?" He finally gave in, and rested his arm on her shoulder.
"I'm good Jimin." She casually responded. "How does it feel to be a daddy?"
"Let's stay away from words like that for at least a couple more years." Jimin's face turned pale as he quickly removed his hand from her shoulder.
"Deal." Faye nodded, before glancing down at the tiny hands that held onto her leg. "Amina, what's wrong, don't you wanna see Jimin?"
Amina quickly left her mothers leg and hid behind Jungkook.
"She's been talking about you non stop." Faye chuckled as she casually exposed her daughter.
"Oh really?" Jimin raised his brow.
"She cried for days after you guys left and when I asked her why, she said I never got to propose to Jimin." Faye mimicked her crying voice, bringing her and Jimin to tears.
"Baby, what's wrong?" Jungkook looked over his shoulder at Amina, who was crouched down in a ball.
"Look at you, you're so gorgeous!" Sora cooed as she gently tapped her nose. "You know, the Amina that I remember, isn't shy at all. What's bothering you?"
Her eyes slightly averted to the left, and everyone turned to Jimin. "Oh, that's nothing new. Jimin's always been a problem." Sora tried to comfort her.
"Stop insulting me." Jimin muttered as he rested on his knees. "Hi cutie, do you remember me? He tried to pinch her cheek, but she quickly turned away.
"Rejected." Jungkook coughed under his breath as the others laughed at Jimin's terrible tactics with children.
"Amina." Jimin cutely whispered. "If you don't hug me, I'll die from Ebola."
Sora harshly smacked the back of Jimin's head, and succeed in getting a giggle from Amina. "Now she's laughing.." Jimin muttered as he rubbed his head.
Amina suddenly leaped into Jimin's arms, nuzzling her head into his chest. The smiled together as they tried not to die from the cuteness.

Fanfiction✅ "Admit it Jungkook, she'd rather sleep with me." Jimin Vs Jungkook