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12 ᴘᴍ

"Amina, why are you crying baby?" Jungkook lifted her into his arms as she loudly sobbed.

"He's s-scary." She whimpered, while pointing at the man in the red suit.

"Really?" Jungkook pursed his lips as he tilted his head. "He doesn't look scary to me, it's just Santa, remember the guy from all the books and movies."

"I don't wanna see Santa." Amina pouted as she tightly hugged Jungkook.

"Well then you're not getting any presents." Jimin scoffed, thinking it would get her to listen.

Amina's eyes began to water again, before she let out another sob. Jungkook rolled his eyes as he looked over to Jimin. "Nice going dipshit."

"What?" Jimin defended himself. "I thought it would work."

"Now she's gonna be like this the entire day." He muttered, while wiping his daughters tears.

"Fine, I'll fix it." Jimin groaned as he stepped near the younger girl. "I remember when I was your age Amina, I used to always cry about meeting Santa, when one morning, my mom came into my room, ready to beat the sh— crap out of me. I opened my presents the night before Christmas, so she came into my room angry. I told her that Santa bought them, so it didn't concern her anyways. Then she broke the news to me and told me that Santa isn't real—"

"Jimin." Sora smacked the back of his head.

"What the hell was that for?" He lowered his brows, while rubbing his head.

"S-Santa's not real?" Amina looked at her dad with watering eyes.

"Of course he's real baby." Jungkook gave her a bright smile, not knowing how long he could keep this up. "Jimin's not the smartest guy around."

"Look—" Jimin pointed to Chul. "He doesn't cry about it."

He lifted the younger boy, and placed him in Santa's lap. "See, Chul's not crying—

"Someone get me a napkin!" The man dressed up as Santa, lifted his hands as vomit covered his sleeves.

"See what you do?" Jungkook muttered as he wiped his son's face in the boy's restroom.

Jimin rolled his eyes as he continued to pee in the urinal. "Jungkook, you're just jealous that I know how to take care of your children, and you don't."

"Now Amina thinks I'm a liar." Jungkook crossed both his arms. "She asks me if everything is real? She'll see a squirrel and say is that a real squirrel daddy?" Is that real poop? Is that a real person?"

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