Chapter {3}

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"This is going to end bad. This is going to end bad. This is going to end bad." Nico chanted rapidly, his head hung low and his walk urgent as Newt and I watched him pace. Blond boy next to me was practically boiling with annoyance, squeezing shut his eyes a few time so he wouldn't snap at Nico. I, on the other hand stared at the floor, hands supporting the weight of my head as a square between my eyes and strands of my hair changed everytime I shook my head.

"Nico, please, shut up. We heard it already!" At Newt's words Nico abruptly stopped pacing, his look extremely unfocused that he didn't manage to meet neither mine or Newt's gaze. Our room was quiet all along, only then the attention that previously wasn't on anything particular shifted on us, it had perked the interest of other boys.

"I'm sorry, Newt. I'm worried." Nico sank into the seat next to blond boy, his hands freely hanging over his knees as finally others have decided not to watch the exchange between them. All along I was already looking up, a weight settling on my heart that squeezed me in worry for Thomas. Where was he? Was he okay?

Sighing, I directed my eyes toward two boys next to me, only to find them in a hug as Nico's lips pulled up in a smile. I felt mine twitch barely too.

"What's wrong, Ari?" Newt and Nico parted seconds, both smiling happily that despite what was happening left a few grains of hope to grow in me.

"It's...Thomas. I just hope he's alright." I felt myself start worrying again, my gaze finding the blank expressions of other boys who aimlessly either wandered through the room, sat with bewilderment on their features or occasionally left for bathroom to freshen up. After what had happened with Chuck, I didn't want to lose more anyone else, much less him. Much less Thomas.

"He's not leaving us, okay? If he does I'm gonna kill him." Nico interfered, helpless yet his try of lighting up the atmosphere was while another silly smile found its way on his lips.

"Nico's right. He's not leaving us, neither he is leaving you." Newt gave my shoulder a comforting squeeze, gently as I took in a shaky breath of fairly cold air in our room. Rubbing my hands together, I smiled briefly at two boys then still with head full of questions and worry, headed into the bathroom.

The face in the mirror stared back at me, cold and emotionless as it showed nothing of my mixed feelings. My lips were pulled into a straight line for what seemed days, I just couldn't get myself to smile for more than seconds...not after what had happened in the maze.

Shaking off the thoughts that even partly caused me tears, I found the vanity quite interesting, better than staring and reflecting on what caused me ache in the first place. It was silent, only a few drops of water from the stainless faucet broke the rhythm of my breathing as shievers of pain ran down my spine.

My mind was blank, completed with stillness of the small room which only colder by a few degrees offered no remorse. Not the one toward people, but toward me. I have begun to realise nothing could change who I was, that part of my identity that would stay with me forever.

Closing my eyes slowly, I opened them again in the mirror where my reflection once again stared back. This time brave, partly accepted there is no reason to cry as my lips twitched into sure smile, I felt a bit better.

There in silence, my cure was found. In silence that shaken by a sudden yell, shattered as I pushed open the door.

Panic surrounded the boys, frantic yells and shouting while at the door Thomas desperately tried and failed to cover the door with something, his shaking hands giving his strength up. "We gotta go right now. We gotta go." The boy repeated shakily, voice overpowering the scare in it.

"What the hell are you talking about?" Minho yelled from besides me, confusion evident, even partly panic.

"She's still alive. She's alive." Thomas answered, pushing the door further so he could tightly tie the bed sheet he had picked around the knob.

"Thomas, calm down." I left my position by Minho, striding toward the boy who just couldn't calm down and talk to us.

"Wait, who's she? Teresa?" Newt questioned warily, his urgent voice the clearest one of all panicked as I looked at Thomas worriedly.

The boy stopped panicking briefly, just to turn around and face us, a facade of fear masking his features. "Ava." He muttered heavily, ignoring all the questions his answer had risen between our friends as gripping another sheet, started tying it around.

In that moment, I sank again. All positivity drained from me like it went into the wind, pushed the loud conversation to mute as many more questions arose in me. I could see the floor beneath my feet, but then again it looked like nothing more but a gray surface. I was left confused, broken again over something of a smiple test WICKED had given us, over something that had to be a test. My mother was alive, still running all those tests and managing that organisation.

"It's WICKED!" Thomas screamed suddenly, brought me from my thoughts while room fell in a tense silence again. Disbelief, longing, fear was what found its way onto the faces of my friends. "Its still WICKED. It was always WICKED."

"What? How?" I heard Nico question in disbelief, almost barely hanging onto a rest of a taller bunk.

"Come on." Thomas pushed a matress against the door, frantically trying to make it hang by a thin sheet near the doorknob.

I shook my head, pushing past the group of huddled boys and gripping the soft surface. Thomas gave me a fleeting glance, hopeful, as he finally managed to tie the sheet.

Panic was the only thing besides confusion that constantly nagged at my insides. Panic as Aris rushed all other people toward the vent him and Thomas had disappeared not so long again. I lagged behind, contemplating on everything; the new information we got, the realisation it was all another one of WICKED's tests.

"Aria, come on!" I heard Thomas yell, once again snapping me out of that daze. He stood near the vent, the only person beside me in the room.

"Sorry...I'm..." I stuttered a few words out, unable to continue when Thomas grabbed my hand. I couldn't concentrate on anything else, only the softness of his hand around mine that in the moment seemed wrong to think about.

Urgently, but still softly he led me toward the vent. "Go! I'm not losing you too!"

Nodding in acceptance, I pushed myself under the bed and into the coldness of metal in surrounding.



Okay, I'm actually aware this chapter has a shitty end. Maybe I'm stretching that WICKED shit for far too long but I promise the next chapter is gonna be longer.

Anyway... Nico and Newt ahhhh

And my bby Aria is still a little hurt and unstable when it comes to WICKED. But don't worry, I have a unique plan for her😉

Q: What's your favourite ship from the first or this book?

Have a good day/night💕

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