Chapter 2

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"Saihara-chan, Saihara-chan, what are you doing there?" Whenever he's here he pesters me as I try to study, always right behind my shoulder. This time was no different, I was minding my business finally motivated for once, but he, as usual, comes by to say even more irrelevant things.

"I'm studying." I gave him nothing more than a curt reply, since I've noticed those are the ones that 'bore' him. He often leaves me be after a while and goes to do his own thing. With a sigh, he finally stepped further away from me and silence took over. Sadly, it's never a comfortable one with Ouma-kun around.

...Speaking of which, he got bored too quickly today. What else is he going to do now? He's been playing all sorts of weird pranks, trying to grab my attention during all my moments of silence: his favorite this week was hiding food, forcing me to go on a scavenger hunt in the apartment each time. I honestly can't keep my eyes on him, since being a student has its duties, and I doubt he'd be willing to reason with me.

What have I gotten myself into...? Every day I keep regretting more and more not looking into who I was going to room with, the troubles he causes adding more to it. How I wish I could tell him to stop... but he's always so cheeky, managing to get away with almost anything by saying a few words... This makes me reconsider his status as a 'supreme leader'.

I was interrupted from my studying by a growling stomach... and it wasn't mine. I look at him, but I was met with his signature laugh and one of his usual lines that attempted to fluster me. At first glance, nothing seemed wrong. In front of me laid this cocky little brat that never really went away, but... Now that I think about it, I haven't actually seen him eat, have I? All he munches on are the snacks I occasionally buy, but he's never touched the stove to make himself something. Maybe...



"...Could it be that you don't know how to cook?" What happened next was something I sort of expected; he was a bit surprised, but I don't know how he didn't realize I'd notice.

"Woaah... Saihara-chan, you actually care about me! That's adorable! But surely, you must not want to get involved with an Ultimate Supreme Leader too much, hmmm?" the amount of times he switched expressions during that reply was quite the number for a person. All that just deepened my curiosity for him and I'm sure he was more than aware.

"After all, don't you feel like you just wanna run away from here? Rooming with such a sketchy guy is completely unlike you, I understand~" He was saying all this, but he was forgetting two crucial things: to think and the fact that I was a detective. Cracking cases open is my hobby, he was no different from trying to interpret a book for me; but he talks, unlike books, making this far more complicated than it needs to be...

His stomach growled again, reminding me of my initial question that he still hasn't answered, so I politely inquired "I could make something quick, is that alright with you?" Of course that'd be more than fine for his health, but it's Ouma-kun we're talking about here.

He moved his gaze away from mine and stated, now in his bored persona "So you still haven't given up on that, huh..." and there he goes, pulling a 360 again "Saihara-chan, Saihara-chan, if you insist, then I permit you to take good care of me! But be careful, my organization won't forgive you if you mess up~ nishishi~"

I sighed, he brought up his 'organization' again. I'm still perplexed by what it could possibly mean, but I'm even more concerned about the fact that he just gave up like that. I never expected such simple words to have an effect on him... I guess I'll just accept it for now, since I offered and all.


The smell of noodles being cooked filled the kitchen while Ouma-kun was bouncing around and kept asking when it was ready. Noodles were the only thing I had at the time, so I figured instead of going on another trip to the convenience store I'll just make do with what was left over. Even so, that didn't tone down his excitement one bit, I... honestly don't know what to say. I didn't quite expect him to be this hyper about it.

Once again, he throws all my expectations and analyzing out the window by being... himself; an unpredictable young man who happens to look like a child, that latter fact strengthening most of his schemes... I don't really know anything about him, do I? He is indeed intriguing, but... am I really willing to take this leap?

"Saihara-chan, Saihara-chan! Is it ready? Is it? What about now? Now? Now! Not now? Soon?" he kept babbling loud chaotic nonsense, not hesitating to repeat himself over and over for some reason. During this, he somehow got close to me, putting his tiny hands on my shoulders.


"Ehhhh? Did I offend you, my dear Saihara-chan?" he whispered to me in a teasing tone, his purpose clear. If I hadn't known him for a few weeks, I would've fallen right into his trap.

"But really now, Saihara-chan, why are you doing this?" his palms pressing on my shoulders even more, in a serious tone a whisper was sent even closer to my ear. He was in such close proximity that his presence sent a shiver down my spine. Reminding myself that I had an answer to give, I gently pushed him away from me and turned to face him.

"...Why do you care?" I didn't know what else to say, but he was a liar, wasn't he? Trying to appear innocent and genuine is just another one of his games, that much I'm sure about. Then why do I have this nagging thought in the back of my mind?

"Aww, you big meanie detective... I have feelings too, y'know? I'm just wondering, if you have studying to do and it's more than clear, why are you bothering with preparing me food?" he wore a seemingly genuine expression, making me feel like he was actually surprised. But if he wanted this answer so badly...

"You don't know how to cook and you were hungry. It was only natural for me to... do something about it."

"Aww, Saihara-chan, you're so adorable!" Before I knew it, he threw his arms around me in a tight hug; my initial reaction was to get startled and scream, but it seemed that he wasn't bothered one bit and kept on nuzzling his head in my chest. After a while, he took notice of my frozen state and pulled away as quickly as he latched onto me. On his face rested the usual smug grin he flashed from time to time, showcasing the fact that he was up to no good; yet there was something else on my mind...

"...Why are you doing this?" it was the second time he hugged me during our rooming experience, but for what reason? I couldn't shake this question off, it's been bothering me for a while... but will he really answer?

"Hmm, that's a good question... but since you're a detective I'll give you the honor to find that out yourself." There it was again, that usual grin that appeared to hide so much behind it. "Anyhow, I'm off to buy some panta, heehee!" From under his sleeve he took out a money bill that upon further inspection was clearly not his; I didn't fret or shout, all I could manage to do was let out a deep sigh as I watched him go. Wait... What about the noodles?!

"Ouma-ku-" I ran to try and get him, but it was too late. He was already long gone, just how fast could he possibly run?! Well, the money he stole from me wasn't the smallest amount so there's a chance he might buy something to eat... Too bad for the noodles, though...

After I finished, I left a helping in the fridge and went to study. The day progressed smoothly, but it had turned dark with Ouma still who knows where. Waiting for him was pointless, so I decided to go to sleep.


...What time is it? My mind hazy as I had just woken up from a dream I can't remember, I take a look at the clock. 2:47 AM... My sleep seemed to have gone away completely and was replaced with the kind of energy you could use for an intense study session.

Unfortunately, studying at this hour would be no good, plus I've already studied enough for today... There's nothing else to do, is there...? Maybe I should just eat a bit of those noodles from today, would be a shame if they spent too long in the fridge...

Getting to my destination, I noticed that Ouma's shoes were in the hallway... It looks like he actually came back, but it's not like he has anywhere else to go... right? I mean, I-

...The second I opened the fridge, on the plate that used to be full laid a few lone noodles, arranged a certain way: 'THX!' ...I really didn't expect that. Maybe... he really does have a tiny bit of feelings.

He didn't give me my money back...

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