Chapter 6: True

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Ever since that encounter with Naruto on the Hokage Monument, Kurenai's relationship with her most distant student stayed that way, distant. He only spoke to the team if he needed to, staying quiet while the other two Genin complained about the boring D-Rank missions.

So it worried her when he finally spoke up for the first time that day, when they were picking up their D-Rank missions of the day.

"Hokage-sama," Naruto began, bowing to the Third, who rose an eyebrow at the littlest Hatake. "I humbly request that we get assigned a C-Rank mission. I realize that these are just missions so we can begin small, but wouldn't it be more logically to get the last two year classes of the academy to do these chores, that way you won't have to waste anymore of your military power for capturing cats and, or, pulling weeds out of a civilians garden."

"Naruto. . ." Kurenai hissed angrily at her student. She gave the Third an awkward smile. "Sorry about that Hokage-sama, he's just getting bored. I'll make sure he sweats harder than he ever has during training after our missions." The Third took a long draw out of pipe, contemplating something.

"Well, Naruto-kun, I haven't thought of something like that. It's a good suggestion. So you want a higher ranked mission, eh?" Kurenai's eyes widened as the man took out a scroll, looking over it quickly and nodding to himself.

"Okay, I have an easy C-Rank mission for you all. A simple escort mission to Wave Country."

"Hokage-sama, are you sure? Please don't let my students request sway your decision. They haven't had too much teamwork training and I don't want to rush them." The Hokage only gave her a soft smile.

"Kurenai, you have three of the academy geniuses on your team, you needn't worry. Besides, Naruto-kun's been training hard for the last year, haven't you?" Naruto froze as he saw Hiruzen give him a knowing look. There was no way that man should've known Danzo was training him, it just wasn't probable. Danzo and he had been very careful, and to be discovered? It hurt Naruto's pride a little.

Hiruzen stood up and walked over to the door, before opening it. "Tazuna-san, come meet the team that will be guarding you on your trip." A groan was heard before an old man walked into the office, the reek of alcohol stinging everyone's nose, though the Hokage looked indifferent to it.

Tazuna had a white string tied to his head with a towel over his neck with a rather large bag on his back. He was wearing a sleeveless tunic and a pair of loose, brown pants with grey sandals on. He had a pair of glasses sitting on the end of his nose and a grey mustache. And finally, he had a bottle of some alcoholic beverage in his right hand.

"This is what my moneys going to? A bunch of brats and a woman who had bandages for clothes?" Hiruzen chuckled as he sat back in his seat.

"Trust me, Tazuna-san. This team is more than capable of handling a few lowlife criminals and thugs." Tazuna seemed to roll his eyes and nodded.

"If you say so, Hokage-sama." He then eyed the four ninja with distrust in his eyes. "Meet me at the northern gate in about four hours. I need to let the alcohol set in before we begin." Naruto rolled his eyes as the man left the office.

"Great, we're being hired by a drunk." Sasuke muttered distastefully, though still grateful that he didn't have to catch that damn cat anymore or pull anymore weeds.

 And Sakura would be damned if they had to move anymore heavy boxes. her skinny arms couldn't hold that much. Kurenai looked at her team.

"Okay, I guess we're doing this. Pack a bag with two weeks of clothes, a tent, and basic equipment." Everybody nodded in response and were about to leave, before Hiruzen spoke up.

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