Chapter 42: A Real Coup

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A small dripping sound could be heard from the cells of Konoha's underground prison where Kakashi Hatake, father of Naruto Hatake, laid on the ground, looking up at the grey concrete that the cell ceiling was made up of. 

Years. It's been years since he's been locked up in that cell. The one-eyed shinobi shifted on his hard-as-rock bed, trying to get just a tad bit more comfortable, though that was nye impossible nowadays. The never-ending silence ever since that one prisoner left was almost deafening, 

But, there, in the middle of the night, a loud creaking was heard, along with a quick shout of protest by one of the guards and the sound of a body thumping to the ground echoed throughout the small jail. 

Now that got Kakashi's attention. He sat up, ignoring the multiple cracks and pops that resonated from his body. He walked slowly to the cell door, trying to get a closer look before a man dressed in all black with a pair of glowing red Sharingan eyes under his hood appeared in front of his cell. 

"Oh, another Uchiha. Great." Kakashi muttered as he turned around. "Just put the food where you always do, I'm not hungry at the moment." Then, a loud crash could be heard, jolting Kakashi where he stood. He turned his head, and to his surprise, the bars that were once his jail cell door, were gone, now on the ground as the figure in black just stood there. 

"If this is a trap, I'm not falling for it. Just put the door back up and go away." The Sharingan user chuckled, confusing Kakashi as he turned fully around, his one eye raised. 

"That's quite mean," The man pulled down his hood and revealed the scarred face of Naruto, a small smile adorning the boy's face. "Father." Kakashi's eyes grew big as he saw the face of his deceased son. 

"No, this, this isn't real. You're dead. I-" He was cut off as he was suddenly engulfed in a hug from his child, and he returned it, clutching onto Naruto with everything he had. 

"They said, that you died fighting Sand's Jinchuuriki, but I knew Fugaku did something, but here you are, alive. You're alive, alive. I'm so happy," Kakashi stated as tears flew down his one eye, the emotions that he kept hidden for so long finally bursting. 

"In many ways, I did die that day, father. But I am here today, and this is your last day in captivity." Kakashi drew back, a smile underneath his mask as he sized Naruto up. He was only an inch or two shorter than him, and his eyes were no longer grey, but coal black, reminding him of the Uchiha when their eyes weren't activated. 

"What happened to your eyes?" He asked, concern evident in his voice. Naruto turned away, his arms retreating into his cloak. 

"Don't worry," A grin found itself on Naruto's face at the thought of what he had done the previous night. "They aren't mine. Now come on, I'm gathering all the originals." Kakashi was taken aback by Naruto's first sentence but didn't question it as Naruto led him out of the jail, where several dead Uchiha lay, but each and every single body had one thing in common. 

The lack of eyes.

"Naruto. . .?" Kakashi said, asking a silent question. Naruto didn't answer though, he just quickly pushed through the door and Kakashi felt the scent of fresh air invade his nostrils, clean oxygen making it's way into his lungs as he took deep yet steady breaths. 

Naruto stopped walking and put a hand on Kakashi's shoulder, earning a confused look from his father but they instantly appeared in a large, dark room. 

"This is. . ." He trailed off, recognizing the place that was decorated with dust and cobwebs. Naruto nodded, confirming Kakashi's thoughts. 

"Yes, one of Danzo-sensei's many Root hideouts. I've had my allies gather the originals here so that I can speak to everyone at once, instead of making the same conversation about twenty times." Kakashi nodded, understanding the logic behind gathering everyone. Naruto pointed down to a large platform, where many different people were standing. "Go over there, I have a speech to give out and a revolt to start." Kakashi only patted Naruto on the shoulder before listening to his son and jumping down onto the platform, where he saw all of his old friends. 

Yugao, Hayate, Genma, Asuma, Kurenai, Guy, all of Naruto's graduating Genin class, Tenten, Lee, Neji, the Konohamaru Corps, Iruka, Mizuki, and finally, Haku. When everyone saw Kakashi, they immediately ran and greeted him warmly, not having seen the grey-haired man in years. 

"Is this why we're gathered here? Celebrating Kakashi's rightful release?" Neji said as he held his distance from the Hatake, not knowing him well, at all really. 

"It's been boring without you around my old rival!" Guy exclaimed, tears of youth running down his face. "Everyone was so worried about you!" Kakashi groaned from the bear hug that Guy initiated, but was happy to have his old friend at least visible again. 

"Thank you, it's great to see you all again, but I'm not the reason we're here, do you know why?" Tenten shrugged, her caramel colored eyes dull. 

"We were just told to come here by guys in blank masks. We didn't have to leave the village so we thought it was some type of training exercise that. . . Hokage came up with." The word Hokage came out of her mouth with uncontained venom. 

"Well then, let me enlighten you." A voice resonated throughout the abandoned Root base. Everyone stopped talking and looked up, seeing a figure dressed in a black cloak and a hood on, covering most of his face, the only feature distinguishable being the red sharingan eyes. 

"Uchiha. . ." Kurenai muttered distastefully. "Why am I not surprised?" 

"I'd rather you didn't put me in with that trash. I've gathered you all here today to reverse a wrong that has been committed. As of today, we will start a real rebellion against the Uchiha. A real coup that they won't see coming." Shikamaru rose his eyebrow, obviously not satisfied with the answer. 

"It's obvious that we don't like the Uchiha practically being royalty in the village, but to raise a rebellion? Why should we? We don't even have the power to do such a thing. He defeated our last Hokage, and has ties with Orochimaru. How can we do such a thing?" The figure smirked, taking off his hood as collective gasp could be heard from the group. 

"Because, I'm here now." Naruto said, a smirk on his face, his Sharingan eyes rotating. "And Fugaku Uchiha will die by my hand no matter what." 

And done. How was it? Good? Bad? Tellll meeeeeee!!!

Possibly ten chappies left, not sure. Might be more. Longest fanfic I wrote. 

Anyways, yeah. Sorry for late update!

Til next time my lil demons! 

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