Chapter 27: 3 Years Later

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"Baldy." The boy looked at Kurotsuchi in a mix of shock and anger. 

"I am not bald! You see? Hair! Haaaiiirrrr!" He said, taking a fist full of black hair and throwing into the girl's face, causing her to sputter as she pushed him away. 

"Don't put your stupid hair in my face, that's gross." The boy rolled his eyes. 

"I wash my hair everyday thank you very much." He said, glancing at Kurotsuchi. "You're just jealous it's longer than yours." He had black hair that went all the way down to his nose, with a pair of grey eyes and three whisker marks on each cheek with a large scar going from the top of his forehead to just below his eye, but the eye itself was unharmed. He had on a grey short sleeved shirt, with a red sleeve on his right arm, with a grey vest on top of it with black shinobi pants and a pair of combat boots. 

"As if, hair any longer than mine is a mistake because what happens when you get your hair pulled by an enemy? With my hair like this, there is a minimum chance that will happen to me." She said in a matter-of-fact tone. She was slightly shorter than the teen next to her, with black hair that just barely covered her head, and in the same uniform as last chapter because the author is too lazy to write that part, even though it'd get the word count up. 

Both shinobi wore a head band that showed the Rock symbol, representing that they are both from the Village Hidden in the Rocks. 

"Where's Akatsuchi? He's usually here by now?" The boy noted as he looked around, not seeing the rather large man in sight. 

"Maybe he's waiting with gramps?" Kurotsuchi suggested. The boy only shrugged. 

"Possibly. Though, the old man would have sent someone for us by now." They were waiting at the training grounds, waiting for their third member of the team so they could take a mission. 

"If that fatass doesn't come in the next three seconds, I'm going to melt his balls off." The boy next to her rolled his eyes, but suddenly stood at attention as three Anbu appeared in front of them. 

"Tsuchikage-sama wishes to see you both in his office right away." Kurotsuchi sighed. 

"Uggghhh, what does the old man want now? We don't even have a completed team, how the hell are we supposed to just see him." She was smacked upside the head by the boy next to her, a small smile on his face. 

"Quit your whining, the old man will tell us soon enough." He put his hand on her shoulder and they both disappeared in a swirl of leaves. 

They appeared in the office, Onoki sitting at his desk, glancing at them to silently say that he knew that they were here. He was writing something down. 

"Gramps," Kurotsuchi began, feeling the atmosphere. Akatsuchi was no where to be found. "What happened?" Onoki let out a long and heavy sigh, dropping the pen on the table, his hand pinching the loose skin on his forehead. 

"The Leaf Village had just declared war on the Cloud Village, and then, when they began fighting, Akatsuchi tried to help some of the Cloud Ninjas out because he's a, 'nice person', and the Leaf Ninja decided to kill him as well. Now I have a choice, go to war and ally with the Cloud Village, or to do nothing at all and try to keep the peace." 

The boy looked at him with shock, his eyes widened. 

"Akatsuchi, is. . .dead?" Kurotsuchi uttered, her eyes widened in disbelief as she tried to deny it. 

"Kioku, you have a kind heart, and I know that you were Akatsuchi's brother, so tell me. What shall we do?" Kurotsuchi looked at her grandfather with surprise filled eyes. 

"You're determining the fate of the Shinobi World on someone who is attached to the situation? We can't go to war! We barely got out of the last one, the one that took mom! How are you going to put us into another one!" She shouted. 

"Kurotsuchi. . ." Her grandfather said, his voice low as he sent her a warning glare. "Be quiet." 

"I," Kioku began, his grey eyes slowly shifting to the infamous Sharingan with three commas in each eye. "I don't know. I want to avenge Akatsuchi-nii, but, doing so would bring the village greater harm that good." Onoki rose an eyebrow. 

"Follow your heart, Kioku, do what you believe will bring everyone peace." Kioku's hands tightened into fist as he held back tears, his teeth clenched. To hold such a burden on his shoulders, it was suffocating. 

"I," He began, all the tension suddenly leaving his body as his arms drooped to his sides. "I wish to send a warning to Konoha. That if they try to attack another Iwa Shinobi, then we will not hesitate to fight back." Onoki nodded. 

"A wise choice. You both have the day off, I'll give you time to mourn your fallen comrade." Kurotsuchi's eyes dropped to the floor before silently storming off, internally seething and grieving at the same time. 

Kioku dropped to the ground, connecting his wrist and holding them up, making Onoki sigh. 

"Are you sure?" Kioku easily nodded. 

"I can hear him. He's calling me. I'm already feeling the dark urges. Please old man, I don't want to go crazy anymore." Onoki nodded, and suddenly Kioku had two different pairs of handcuffs on his wrist, one silver and the other made of iron with several seals on it, they being put on by two Anbu. 

"Take him to his. . .cell. Let him out in 24 hours time." The Anbu nodded before taking Kioku away, leaving a very stressed Tsuchikage. 

"You don't belong here." 

"Just die." 

"A puppet, that's all you are." 

"You were never my friend. . ."

". . .Naruto." 

Kioku woke up sweating, looking around to see the blank walls of his own special cell where he would go if he started seeing the boy. 

The boy with the eyes filled with hatred. 

It frightened him to an extent that he wouldn't talk about it, only lock himself up for 24 hours before he lost control. . .again. 

The first time, someone almost died. The second time, someone DID die, there hasn't been a third time as of late, and Kioku was determined that there wouldn't be a third time. 

That boy. He was strong. Very, very strong. But, Kioku was determined to be better, he will be better, no matter what it takes.  

No matter what it took. 

And done. How was it? Good? Bad? Weird? Tell meeeee!

Anyways, yeah. His hair is black because of reasons that will be revealed in later chapters. 

So, yep. 

Til next time my lil demons! 

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