Face off Danzo Vs Becky & Anna

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so its been a month since they returned to the village, Becky has been doing missions on and off with Kakashi, Narurto and Sakura, Anna has been teaching happily along side Iruka whos class had a small celebration for her safe return, Austin has been doing a couple of missions with Shikamaru, Ino and Choji.

Since the meeting Danzo hasn't made any contact with Becky, however, "hmm... what should i eat tonight" while stood looking at vegetables to go with the meat shes chosen she ponders while being watched from a distance by two Root ANBU. After deciding what vegetables she bought them and walked down an alley way.

The two Root ANBU that had been following were on the roof tops that made the Alley way she dissappeared from sight. Jumping from the roofs to the middle of the Alley way they looked around in hope to find which way she went. Becky stood behind them "ah now that you guys decided to actually stand still for a bit i'm cooking for both of you as well so come on" she said grinning as they sweat dropped one shool there head while wearing their mask "there is no need" Becky raised her finger to silence any more disagreement "nonsense I insit" she paused before continuing "after all you probably haven't eaten since you started following me." with that she walked past them they stared as they accompanied her to her flat and ate with her no words were exchanged during the meal. While Becky collected the dishes she walked to the kitchen "if Danzo has a problem why doesn't he juat talk to me?" she asked them they didn't reply. Becky shook her head in disappointment "i forgot you got that seal thing that stops you from talking about him." they moved a little in shock. Becky came out with three bags of biscuits "these two are for yiu but the third is for Danzo" smiling she gently chucked it to them "don't worry theres nothing dangerous in them". she said assuring yhem as she left them to leave.

"Lord Danzo" said the Root ANBU in union, he turned to face them, the taller of the two stepped forwars and presented him with the bag of biscuits, "we were found out from the begining." he said as he gave the biscuits he disappeared "did you find out anything?" he questioned with venom in his words shaking their heads before adding "but she said to talk to her if you want to know something." they said while positioning themselves on one knee.

Opening his eye a little he smashed the biscuits in his hands as he spat his words "continue to follow her but get a good distance away if you fail again you know the concequences." with that said they left. Danzo moved to his room while burning the biscuits.

Kakashi could hear some noises from next door so he put down his Ich Icha Paradise and exits his flat.

*Knock knock* as he waited by the door for the person to answer unaware that behind the door was Becky... as the door opened all he could see was pitch black when a hand grabbed him. He lost his balance and was pulled through in a panic he tried to get away but couldn't soon he reached the light on when he turned to face his kidnapper there stood Becky with a huge grin on her face.

"Hey neighbour"she said casually Kakashi looked dumbfound he stuttered a little before he finally said "You... you are my new neighbour... no no way i am not having you as my neighbour again" Becky made a dramatic face pretending that she was hurt knowing full well that he was not joking. she laughed then suddenly she turned serious "i am sorry" she said he looked shocked and taken back by the change of atmosphere he nodded and smiled with his eyes "i know" he carefully and gently gave her a hug she hugges him back when she said "Danzo's got people following me" she sais Kakashi just stood listening "i'm going end up confronting him at some point" she said with a little bit more fear in her voice "hes powerfull... but i have know some of his secrets... but i don't want to fight him at all costs i know i might end up doing it." she said with a little more he slowly patted her head in a caring way "heh him and Kane never got along either".

Soon time passed and the constant following had increased to the extent that it was driving her mad, "STOP FOLLOWING ME!" she shouted at the top of her voice in the middle of a crowded market, Naruto, Shikamaru and Austin stopped to turn round to see what teh commotion was about Becky was looking at some buildings behind her. they looked a little worried when Naruto said to her "theres no one there.., Becky", she turned round her face full of irritation and anger, her voice low and powerful "no really..." she said before looking sad and even more angrier, she walked away before saying "i'll be back you can start worrying if i don't meet you tonight for tea Naruto". Naruto tried to say something before disappearing.

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