Date <3 and kidnapped?

92 6 3
  • Dedicated to Anna LucySofia Anmia Nicholls

As Gaara set some papers on his desk and thinking about his journey he was hoping of doing something special today… well he was hoping “Gaara- samma don’t forget your meeting today is at 10am and at 11am you have paper work to fill and send off then you have the examination of equipment and ninjas to do and then you have lunch with a visitor then you have another meeting with our ANBU then another with the elders and clan leaders about certain weapon of some sort being found or rumoured.”

Gaara placed his pen on the table as he rubbed his temple in attempt to drown out the nagging voice, all he kept thinking about was how he might ‘ask out’ Becky, he shook his head picked up his pen and began to continue the day, when he suddenly remembered what the ninja had said “did you say I have lunch with a visitor?” he looked surprised, trying to think who it was, the ninja looked at him “yeah Temari-samma had organised it with one of the ninjas from Kohana”  with that he bowed and left, Gaara had a small smile on his face “thank you Temari” he looked out of the window, he finished his paper work and the meetings he waited patiently when Naruto busted through the door shouting “surprise” he looked at Naruto,

“it’s not a surprise you got at least a few more days before you leave he pointed out” Gaara said with his normal poker face Naruto looked at him with a pout Sakura rolled her eyes and smacked him up the head, “Gaara-kun how are thing with Becky?” she asked innocently with a smile, Gaara looked at her with a confused look then his eyes widened when he knew what they were on about e sighed “today if you want to know” he said almost a s whisper, Sakura squealed and ran out the room, as she grabbed hold of Becky and ran from through the corridors “what are you doing” Becky said slightly worried and confused as she was strapped to a chair with both Sakura and Temari with crossed arms and an evil smile “we are now going to produce a master piece, so if u would” Sakura said as she opened her make up bag, 15 minutes went by to reveal  Becky in a red dress with black leggings her hair curled slightly she had a gentle shade of pink on her lips her eyes with mascara on, slight blusher not that she needed any, while Sakura and Temari admired there master piece the guys came into the room “hey who are” Naruto stopped midsentence  as his eyes widened in shock Kakashi nodded in approval to see his pupil transformed, “so I guess you all like it” the room of boys was silent and eyes glued to Becky, she started to feel uncomfortable and smiled “thanks well… I’m off” with that she left, she came back and picked up her dolly shoes and walked on out of the room, when she bumped into Gaara, “hey” she said with an embarrassed smile Gaara gave a small smile and took her hand in his arm, like a gentleman “looking very nice, milady” he said Becky looked at him slightly confused as to what he said “Kankuro told me to say it” Becky made an oh with her mouth and giggled.

As the night went on, they had their lunch and Gaara had managed to avoid the rest of his days plan, he smiled as the moon greeted the sky he stopped on the roof top balcony and turned to look at Becky as he smiled sweetly he took her by the hand and kissed it “would you be my-” he stopped as he couldn’t quite finish his sentence Becky smiled softly and nodded as she kissed him softly on the lips, he closed his eyes as he felt the warmth and the butterflies come back as she pulled away Gaara quickly pulled her back for another kiss as they pulled away from each other Becky whispered in between breaths “I love you” she looked him in the eye, Gaara smiled and kissed her forehead and brought her into a hug “I love you to” with that they stood on the balcony and watched the moon, soon enough Becky fell asleep in his arms he picked her up and took her back to his home, and snuggled up for the night.

Meanwhile back in Kohana, a huge explosion was heard close to Anna and Austins home revealing 4 rouge ninjas and a cloaked man, one holding Anna in his arms, and another fighting off some ninjas, when Austin shouted for Anna, his raven mark lighted up as he did black and purple chakra forming around him soon he had a cloak that made him form some sort of shape of a raven, his eyes black and he was running straight at the people holding her, they fought for a whole 30 minutes soon Austin was losing his mind, half the village was being destroyed soon enough Lady Tsunade had to intervene, while Austin had their attention setting a trap was the best thing they had.

When Austin looked at the man who was holding Anna, as his movement much like a Raven his head was twitching when out of nowhere this huge chakra like leash wrapped around his neck as he was about to whip the rouge ninja toward him the cloaked man through a kunai that got him in the leg, the kunai had a gem, the cloaked Raven screamed in pain, Austin soon lost consciousness, when Anna’s eyes fluttered open, screaming at her boyfriend that fell to the floor, wiggling in the ninjas arms she soon begin to lose consciousness and the rouge ninjas disappeared as Lady Tsunade and the ANBU got to them, they attended to the wounds that were inflicted on Austin, he was taken straight to the hospital. “Shit, they took Anna” she said as she squeezed her fists as she looked at the ANBU, one who was wearing raccoon mask “shall we contact her family let them know of the situation?” he asked with urgency in his voice she looked at him “that what I’m worried about” she said looking out to the hills, with sadness in her eyes. As a few hours went by, Austin started to wake up a bit, “ah, shit, Anna?, ... ANNA!” he shouted as he winced in pain, Lady Tsunade opened the door walked in to help him sit up “where is she where are those people” he said looking at Tsunade with so much pain in his voice “sh sh settle down you’ll open your wound again” she said keeping a calm a hand on his shoulder he took a few breaths in “how long have you known?” she looked at him with seriousness, Austin looked at her then at the raven that settled on his muscle toned stomach, he looked back up as he shut his eyes, “a few nights ago it told me its name was Kage no karasu he then said that hes been waiting to talk to me for centuries… but I am only 17… then he said, my great great great great great Ancestor was his previous master, and that he has been serving our family for years” he looked even more confused than Tsunade who looked at him with slight worry, “does Becky know about Anna yet?” Tsunade looked at him and shook her head, Austin nodded in understanding, “if she knew she’d flip and freak out more than you would of done” she explained, he chuckled “well… it was my fault for not doing my bloody best to stop them” Tsunade chuckled and squeezed his shoulder, “not at all you did everything you could” she said with a smile “get some rest Becky will be back at the end of the week, we’ll talk about it then and before you flip yes there are ANBU and other looking and searching for her and for further information” she added as she opened the door, Austin sighed with a little bit of relief. “Thank you” was all he said as his head settled on the pillow.

Darkness with a few candle flames lighted a room as Anna began to open her eyes, the room smelt of Tabaco and alcohol, as there was a small window that had let in little light, revealing blood that stained the floor, with a few skeletons dotted around. The little pitta patter of rats that moved along chains that were dangling in the room.

Anna hung from one, as her gaze adjusted to the environment she noticed a slight throbbing on her back and in her legs, had she been whipped?, were there cuts on her leg?, what in the hell was going on. As Anna went to speak nothing came out ‘kid, hey kid, you’ve been kidnapped’ said a voice in her head, her eyes opened wide, she dangled her head down as her fringe shadowed her eyes, tear slipped down her cheeks ‘Becky, Austin!, help’ she thought “I’m scared” she whispered in a whine as she shut her eyes, in hope it was just a dream and that she was on the coach with her legs stretched out across Becky’s lap and Austin was on the floor back on the sofa and the warmth of the house, back home… safe.

ooooo.... why are they terrified of telling Becky?? and Anna is feeling home sick, but what did those people want?.... vote comment and stuff :) let me know wat u think :) will attempt to picture of the Raven and dragon and snow leopard :)

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