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sorry its been busy with stuff and well yh so here is another chapter to the story.

Normal POV

After the ordeal, the village seemed quiet not even a bird could be heard. The clouds were moving so slowly like time itself was listening to the shocks, gasping and crying children. Becky still clenching onto the arms of Kakashi like it was a life and death matter, Anna and Austin holding onto each other like it was the last time, everything was still.

“So what now?” questioned Shikaku, who was helping an old lady off of the floor, he turned to Ino’s father Inoichi who looked back at the hospital and shrugged “who knows…”

Back in the hospital room, it was so silent that even death itself breathe would be heard, the silent sobbing that came from Becky “Becky I am so sorry” was all she heard and she stopped sobbing and looked at her hand where the dragon tattoo had been as it began to move back up her arm a small smile passed her lips.

She leaned into Kakashi’s broad chest even more, “Becky?” Kakashi called out worry in his voice “sorry” was all she said Kakashi tightened his grip around her and sighed kissing her head. Anna giggled as she looked into Austin’s eyes which had become a darker shade than usual, “don’t think I will try to save you again kid” spat the raven in Austin’s head who looked confused “huh so you are a moody person after all” Austin said with a grin in his mind as he looked towards the Raven who looked at him and puffed his midnight black coloured feather at him

What do you mean ‘after all’?” confused and angry at the remark, Austin just laughed at the reaction as he left Kara. Looking down at Anna to see her cat eyes slowly fading he smiled at her, “it’s over huh?” Anna nodded in reply

Lady Tsunade POV

Looking at the relieved faces on everyone in the room was a nice sight but not one that would be there for long. As I looked out the window to see the villagers looking around to see how damaged it was, children are being cradled by concerned and relived parents. Wow not that much damage to the village. However trying to contain what happened is going to be an even bigger problem.

Zane ran into the room huffing and panting he must of ran quite a way, he looked at everyone in the room and a small puff of air escaped his lips in a sign of relief poor guy. “Zane” I called to him he looked up and gave a huge smile, what is he a kid? I thought to myself “”yh?” I raised my eyebrow at his reply he then looked at me and tilted his head to the side “I mean yes Lady Tsunade” I chuckled a little in my own amusement. 

“Is there any reason to why they are being targeted?” I whispered to him as we looked out the window, he nodded slowly and with a bit of hesitation, “… much like Naruto’s nine tails, they are old and powerful beasts but these ones are from different times and worlds we known them as myths or legends made up stories” he said as looked into the distance “Karasu the Raven King of shadow, , Ryuujin Raikou the dragon King of beasts and lightening and Aisuburū the Queen of Cats and Ice” he paused again looking at Anna, Austin and Becky “they all have the same thing in common brought here by force from ‘home’ the people after them must want them there is a man who owns an image or painting of someone ancient standing on a head of a dragon and holding a tail of a snow leopard and a sword through the stomach of a pure black raven but that person used them for revenge and then soon died rather than being able to attain the immortally that he thought that he could get from the blood of a dragon a tooth of the snow leopard and the feather of the raven, because of what he did the second he pierced the ravens stomach a cloud of shadow consumed him and the dragon tore his leg off and the snow leopard ripped his arm off and the shadow that consumed him took his soul and that fixed the ravens wound, the body was taken into the shadows and well... ” Zane gulped and looked at the ground “well?” Tsunade tried to get him to push on.

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