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grace's pov

Something is off, something doesn't feel right.

I wake up, the number six not in my head anymore. For a second I celebrate, a small smile tugging at the corners of my lips. But I soon realize the small, insignificant, number has been replaced by something worse.

The voices are back.

I try to close my eyes, and slowly count to ten.




I take a breath and try to think of good things, my body shaking. My mind immediately goes to the boy I saw yesterday while waiting in the lobby. I wish I knew his name.

The voices don't stop, and I start to panic. They're loud, and mean. They're hurtful, and careless.

I get up, and pace my bedroom, covering my ears. But, there's no use. The voices are in my head, not out of it.


It's been only a couple days since I've seen my therapist, but she had an opening today, and my mom knew I needed it as soon as I told RT about the voices. We took the appointment that was as soon as possible, hoping her and I can talk this out.

"The voices are back, Ms. Lewis. They haven't been here since Michael died, and I just don't know what to do. It's been a year, Ms. Lewis. Why are they back now?" I say, my eyes darting to the corners of her office. I still hear the voices, masculine voices and feminine voices coincide to sound the same. They all sound the same now.

"Has anything happened recently to trigger that incident?" She asks, and the lightbulb finally clicks in my head.


I met him June 6th, we were in the sixth grade. That's when he became my best friend.

"The day we met, Ms. Lewis," I gasp, looking into her eyes. "The day we met. That's what the six means. That's why. But it doesn't make sense still. Why now? Why not during June?" I ask her, and my voice cracks. It caught in my throat as I asked her the last question. I feel tears brimming my eyes.

I don't like to cry about Michael, I know he wouldn't want me to. I know he's happier now, I know he's watching over me. I smile at the thought, and look back into Ms. Lewis' eyes.

"I don't know the answer to that, but it does make sense now, Grace."

Suddenly I feel so much better, the voices are quieting down. I shift my gaze to the carpet again.

calum's pov

I wake up, the sun shining through my white curtains.

I groan, and glance at my clock. It's noon, and if it wasn't Saturday, I would probably be having a heart attack.

My dads probably not home, so I just decide to go onto my phone. Grabbing it off of the bedside table, I scroll through Twitter.

I get a text from Luke, and squint my eyes. I'm still adjusting to the brightness of my surroundings.

from Luke Hemmings: Hey, I'm going John's tonight. He's having a little get-together. Come around 10?

I'm mentally drained, and the last thing I really want to do is go to some high school "get-together" which will definitely turn into a full blown party. But, I know that if I stay alone at home with my thoughts, I'll regret it in the AM.

from Me: Okay, sounds good. I'll be there at 10.

I hit send, and then get out of bed, and head straight for the shower.

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