Chapter 2

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Juliette furrowed her eyebrows slightly. "What was that thing? And where am i?" She asked, crossing her arms. Her icy blue eyes glimmered slightly as she looked around in the rather large room. There was a bunch of... Well, sci-fi-y things in there.

She walked up to the center of the room and stood next to some sort of... Control panel. She looked down at it, her eyes examining the different buttons, levers and screens. "That 'thing', as you like to call it, was a weeping angel. And you are in the TARDIS." He said, not realizing how crazy both of those things sounded. Juliette looked at him for a while, before shaking her head slightly. "How do you know My name?" She asked, turning around and slowly walking around the control panel.

Her curly, hazel hair laid over her shoulder. She stopped and looked at a screen, her icy blue eyes stuck on the image. "You don't remember me, do you?" He said and quickly walked over to her. She managed to look up at him, her eyes full of confusion. "What do you mean...?" She asked, taking a small step back as he approached her. He sighed and quickly turned around.

"You are Juliette Crawley. Your parents are James and Charlene Crawley. The first time you saw The Doctor, me, was at age seven, when i appeared in your garden." He Said, all while walking around the control panel and to the opposite side of Juliette. She just stood there looking at him. "I... I don't remember meeting you..." She Said quietly, walking up to him. She kept her eyes on him, trying to remember. He smiled a crooked smile and turned away, suddenly starting to run around like a mad man, pressing a bunch of random buttons. Juliette took a step back and looked at him. "What are you doing?" She asked in her half british, half scottish accent. He didn't answer and kept pressing a bunch of buttons. Lastly, he pulled down one lever.

He grinned at her and walked up to her. "I'm making you remember." He Said, taking her hand and pulling her along. She heard some weird noise and he opened the door, walking outside. She slowly walked outside, looking at the place they were in. "I don't understa-" She stopped talking as she saw where they were. "This is My parent's house..." She Said quietly. She then looked up at him. "How are we here!? What did you do!?" She asked, confused. Before he could answer, she turned around and looked at the so called TARDIS. Her eyes widened slightly as she saw the size. "U-uh... Were we in that thing...?" She whispered, to no specific person. She flung the door open and looked inside, then looked at the outside of it. "It's bigger on the inside." She said.

"Okay..." She whispered to herself, taking a deep breath. "This isn't real. It's just a dream." She Said to herself. The Doctor took a hold of both her hands and stood in front of her, leaning down slightly and looking into her eyes. "It's as real as it Can get." He Said, grinning. She looked at him, confused but curious. "How did we get here? And what time is it?" She asked, looking up a the sun. She could swear it was Dark outside just five minutes ago.

He took her hand and pulled her along, not saying a word. He walked up to a window and stopped, looking inside. Juliette did the same, her eyes widening. "Is that me...?" She asked and looked at the little girl, all alone in her room, playing with her dolls. "Sure is. Your parents had gone out for-" He said, but got cut off by Juliette. "Drinks." She Said quietly. "You told me that you were My babysitter. Not that they actually did hire a babysitter." She Said, a faint smile spreading across her lips.

The smile faded and she looked down. "They took me to a bunch of doctors." She Said. "They thought i was crazy when i told them about you..." She glanced up at him, smiling. He smiled a little and looked down at her. "Well, Apparently you're not." He Said and quickly walked over to the TARDIS. "We can't be here for too long, c'mon." He Said and opened the door, waiting for her. She stepped inside, and walked around for a little bit before realizing. "Wait..." She turned to him, looking at him with big eyes. "Did we travel in time?" She asked. He grinned and nodded. "Yes we did. This beauty Can travel anywhere in time and space." He Said and looked at her. "So where do you Want to go?" He asked, smirking.

Juliette just looked at him, not saying a word. "We traveled in time... Oooooh My god. This has to be a dream. It's a dream." She Said, taking a few staggering steps and sitting down on a staircase. The Doctor sat down next to her and smiled softly. "I know it seems impossible, but it isn't." He said, looking down at her.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 17, 2014 ⏰

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