Chapter 7

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Yaz knocked frantically. "Carrie?" There was no answer. "Carrie we just want to have a talk." Again, nothing stirred behind the door. Yaz tried the door handle. "It's locked."
"Well of course it is Yaz, a place like this, nobody would leave their door unlocked." The doctor ran up and shoulder barged the door, hurting her arm. "Well that looks easier in the movies." She said rubbing her arm.
"Why don't you just sonic it?"
"Oh yeah." Maybe it was that she wanted to impress Yaz, or that she wanted to save Carrie Brown, but for the first time the doctor forgot she had her sonic. She retrieved it and unlocked the door, following Yaz inside.
"Carrie? Are you in?" The darkness flooded the small room, the only light coming from the stars outside the window. The Doctor crept to a lamp, the shade littered with holes, and turned it on. In front of them, on the bed, lay a woman. Her curly hair like a blonde waterfall down her face. Her mouth was open and lay on a small puddle of dribble. Black makeup framed her eyelids, smudged and haphazardly applied. In the woman's hand was a bottle of ,what seemed to be, whiskey, that dangled almost touching the floor. Her snoring grew louder the longer they stared at her.
"What do we do now?" Yaz asked, feeling awkward looking at the unconscious lady.
"Carrie!" The doctors voice booming and assertive, but Carrie Brown didn't even flinch. "Well we can't wake her, and we can't leave, so we will just have to wait. Can we make snow angels?"
"It's about 2am, and there's no central heating yet." Yaz walked to the open window, brushing the flowing net curtains away. She grabbed a handful of snow, only a few seconds afterwards realising how cold it actually was, and threw it at her friend. The doctor ducked just in time. She bent down and picked up the snowball from behind her, being hit with another one as she did. She threw it at Yaz, instead it hit the sleeping Carrie on her forehead. They both gasped, holding their breath to see if she woke.
Her eyes fluttered. She opened them slightly, seeing blurred figures and light. Where was I, she thought before remembering hiking up the stairs. She hadn't had a successful evening. Business was slow when it snowed. She felt wet, and hoped she hadn't thrown up over herself again. She groaned, her voice husky and thick with alcohol. Carrie suddenly remembered the two figures and pushed herself up.
"You're wasting your time, here. I don't know what you want but get out." She wiped her forehead.
"We've just come to ask a few questions." Yaz interjected, seeing Carrie was inspecting the slush in her hand.
"It's 2 in the morning. You break into my room and want to ask me questions? Who are you?"
The doctor sat next to her on the bed.
"I'm the Doctor, and this is Yaz. We just want to ask if there is anyone you know a bit dodgy that you have come across in the last few days?"
"Lady, I don't need no doctor, and my business is dealing with creepy men." Yaz wondered if she was like this when she was sober. Yaz felt a certainty sympathy for her. She saw a lost woman, trying to get money whatever way she could. It wasn't her that was a mess, it was the system she lived in. Yaz thought about what was going to happen to her tomorrow, and how monstrous it was, and how they had the power to stop it, they couldn't just leave her.
"Listen, you don't know us, and it must be weird waking up to us in your room, like I'd be 100 times more freaked out than you currently are right now..." Something clicked. "This has happened to you before." The Doctor gazed at Yaz, knowing what she was about to deduce. "What's happened Carrie, who's after you? We can help."

"Nobody can." She crackled. "Now leave."

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