Chapter 10

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"I knew it was you. Snowing in April, meaning something had changed the atmospheric pressure, something that shouldn't be here. How did you do it?" The Doctor stood scowling at him in contempt, her hand clutching her sonic.
"Are you not going to say nice to see me again?" He smirked, removing his top hat and tossing it on the lumpy bed. "No, I thought not. I was so... naive when we first met on that day in Montgomery, so weak. And now" He raised him arms, smiling. "Well now I can do what I want. Kill whatever I want."
"How did you get here? How can you kill?"
"When your little friend, well I guess not so much your friend anymore, where is he by the way? Back to where he belongs, hopefully. When he shot me, he sent me back here, not here exactly. He sent me back to London. The blast must have knocked out my implant or short circuited it because I found myself practising my favourite hobby again."
"Where's Yaz? If you have hurt her in any way I will take you somewhere that will make you beg for death."
"Fighting talk, Doctor. I like it. You can feel the rage inside of you, igniting the blood in your veins. Beautiful isn't it?"
"You really don't want to see me angry."
He took a step towards her, tracing her lip with his thumb.
"Oh but I do." He kissed her on the cheek, nauseating her.
"So be it." She managed to spit through gritted teeth. The Doctor could feel the anger of all 13 regenerations inside of her, as if they were all trying to rip their way out. She grasped his arm behind his back whilst stamping on the back of his knee, causing him to keel over.
"You WILL tell me where my friends are, where Yaz AND Carrie are, or I will break your limbs one by one. And trust me, I'm a doctor, which helps me to know how to break a bone very easily."
He laughed, struggling to get out of her grip.
"Well I can tell you 50% of what you want. That whore is under the sheets, ironic actually. She lived off getting men into her bed, and she was killed by a man in bed. Even you have to be impressed." She simultaneously stamped down again on his knee, and twisted his arm, both of them cracking at the same time. It was the sound of ripping a drumstick of a roast chicken. He wailed in agony as she let him go, turning towards the bed. Under the covers lay Carrie Brown, her mutilated body naked and red. Her hair was matted with blood, almost like deep maroon dreadlocks, there was no sign of her youthful blonde curls anymore.
"The things about me is that I've lived a long time, I've seen so much death, but each time it still feels as though it were the first time. And the other thing about me, about this version of me, is that once I lose my temper, as you have just asked me to do, I will not show mercy. Now tell me where Yaz is!" She ran up to him, kicking his face with her brown boot. The Doctor remembered all the times she had seen Yaz smile, all the times they had accidentally touched, all the glances when she thought she wasn't looking, she remembered the kiss and the fire alarm. This was fuel for her rage. She stopped kicking him, his face almost unrecognisable now. She bend down towards him. "Tell me!"
He laughed again, spitting blood out of him mouth.
"Laying in the snow on the streets of New York City." The Doctor started to run out of the room. "You won't save her, Doctor. She is my finest work!" The doctor pointed her sonic behind her as she ran, slamming and locking the door of the room.
She felt panicked. She couldn't lose Yaz, not here, not like this. This was all her fault, she thought. This happens with all of them. She ran towards the TARDIS, hatching a plan as she sprinted. "Please let me in this time." She whispered to herself. She clicked her fingers again and the doors flew open. She ran towards Yaz's room grabbing some of her clothes and heading back to the console.
"Just this once, please. If you can trace her DNA from her clothes and take me to the version of her in this time I would be so grateful. You can do it, I know you can, you're brilliant." The familiar sound of keys on a radiator started, and she smiled

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