chapter 5

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"Um..." He scratched the back of his head like how he used to when we were kids. "Do I know you?"
"No, I have...a common face."
What the hell did I just say. I couldn't think of a better lie, I have a common face, what does that even mean? Maybe he was talking about the fact that I knew his name, shit.
He stretched a hand out to me, I thought he wanted to shake me which kinda confused me, I mean who still does that? I was reluctant in taking it until he sighed annoyed and yanked me off the ground to my feet.
Oh, I was on the ground... Weird.
"T-thats not it." He stared at me obviously trying to study the features of my face.
Oh, good bubbles, you're in trouble.
"I mean how do you know my name?"
I scoffed trying to regain my lost composure, "you're a rowdy ruff, everyone knows that."
Am sure he was mentally smacking his head. Go bubbles, you're awesome.
"But you do look familiar." His lips pressed into a thin line, clearly he was trying to place my face.
"Weirdest convo ever." I rolled my eyes and brushed past him.
Why did I stop? Why didn't I just keep on walking?
"Let me make it up to you."
I raised my hand to stop him then crossed them, "not every girl's offended by being knocked to the ground by a stranger."
"Hmmmm," he nodded like he was having a deep thought about what I just said, "but you have to make it up to me for bumping into me." He leaned in a grin on his face.
A smile was tugging at my lips but I cut that traitorous string off, my frown remained plastered on my face.
"Are you trying to kiss me?"
"What?!" He backed up and chuckled sheepishly, "no, its just I've never been so attracted to a girls blue orbs in years."
Oh, boomer. *shakes head*
I placed two fingers on my chin which I made into a gun like I was thinking.
"I would try my luck saying 7yrs."
He looked taking aback by my accuracy.
"Save it, just a wild guess."
His mouth formed into an 'o'.
"Are you some kind of psychic or something?"
I at first thought he was joking but when i saw the seriousness in his face i just had to laugh, "Aren't you meant to be the shy one?"
His toothless grin came back, "looks like the ruffs got a fan."
I rolled my eyes, why was I talking to him like this... Like I didn't hate him. Like he didn't do those horrible things to me. To the professor.
"Please I wouldn't be caught dead wearing a mark of yours."
That sentence seemed to make him frown, I thought for a second before I remembered our past. Oh.
His smile came back, God why did he have to be so damn cute.
"I didn't suggest writing on your body but since you're playing hard to get you probably want me to do it."
My smirk dropped as he raised his eyebrows, "don't you-"
He grabbed my arm and turned his back to me scribbling something with a pen I didn't know he had.
I dragged my hand away when he was done; I held it to my chest protectively like he was gonna try to steal it again.
"To think you are the the same girl who said and I quote I have a common face, tsk, tsk, tsk." He stared at me again as I stared back dumbfounded, "well c'ya."
He made a phone with his hand before finally walking away. I didn't understand, until I felt what he wrote on my hand begin to throb.
I finally had the courage to look at it, of course he would give me his number.
I turned around and started walking not in the mood to get anything again even if it meant leaving my purse.
It hurt, he was hitting on me. What happened to bubbles. Well how can I be so stupid, he never loved me, and...and I don't love him.
But why do I feel this pain, why can't it leave me?
I ran as I felt my face get wet, I ran as I started feeling everything all over again.
I ran until I finally feel on my knees.
"I'm sorry blossom."
Hey, long time.
I wasn't even meant to post again because I planned on discontinuing this book.
So here goes.
Hope u like it though.
Pls comment.

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