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▶runaway girl

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runaway girl

It was the second week of being stuck in my room.  I didn't even remember what sunlight on my skin felt like or the breeze in my hair. Instead I remember, well live in a hot stuffy room.

I huffed falling over onto my bed.  I had tried opening the window but my parents had glued it shut. I've got to do something. I told myself mentally. Thats when I got the idea to break the window. I looked around my room and spotted a lamp in the corner. I smiled and picked it up. Now I could leave.

I tugged my hair into a messy bun and pulled a sweater over my head. I slipped on pair of shoes and sighed. Now all I had to do was wait until it got dark.  It was sunset right now.

It soon became dark.  I quietly, well as quietly as possible picked up the lamp and threw it at the corner of the window. I shielded my face as shards of glass flew around my room, some cutting my bare flesh as they flew across. I put my arms down and blinked rapidly. The hole was big enough for me to crawl through. I squeezed through the window, the glass shards scrapping me. I tried to grab the tree branch but missed and fell to the ground. I landed in a bush underneath my window. I groaned in pain holding my throbbing head.  The flickered on in my parent's bedroom. My eyes widened and my heart rate increased. I quickly got tumbled out of the bush. I stood up and began to run.

  It hurt like a bitch but I persisted on with the fear that my parents were right behind me. I had no clue where I was going but I couldn't stop. I ended up in Derrys woods. It wasn't a total woods but enough the cover a refuge, which was now me I guess.

I tripped over a tree root and toppled to the ground. I gripped my knee and leaned against a tree. I had to stop. So I just sat their until I saw the sunrise.

I got up and walked to Roses house. I furrowed my brows. It looked empty. I pushed all the thoughts that began to pour into my brain out. I walked up the front steps of the Lewis' house. My breath was hitched in my throat as my knuckles wrapped on the door. Nobody answered. I cursed slamming on the door. How did I forget, every year the Lewis' go on a family vacation the last week of July. I slid down their door and just sat my hands on my knees, silent tears streaming down my cheeks.

"Valerie?" A voice asked. I looked up and saw Richie Tozier standing on the side walk looking puzzled.

  "Richie!" I exclaimed rushing toward him. I wrapped my arms around him. I had never been so glad to see a familiar face. Richie awkwardly hugged my back.

  "Valerie what happened?" He asked letting me go.  I wipe the tears that were drying on my cheeks.

"I left. I Ran away." His eyes widened underneath his large glasses. 

  "From your home?" I nodded. His gaze softened. "Your cheek." He pointed out gently touching the large gash that now painted my cheek. I hadn't even noticed. 

  I hissed in pain. My knee was killing me from all the running I had been doing. 

  "We've got to clean you up." Richie told me gently grabbing my arm.

  It turned out Richie only lived a street away from Eddie and Rose and Currently I was sitting atop of one of the many counters in the Tozier household.

  "Hold still." Richie grumbled fiddling with a cotton ball filled with hydrogen peroxide.

  "But it hurts." I complained. His hand gripped my knee to stop me from moving.

  "Thank you." He breathed standing up.

  "Sorry." I mumbled.

   "Richard! Is that you?" His mother yelled. 

  "Yes Mother." Richie yelled back.

"Did you forget about Stans bar mitzvah?" She said. You could tell she was intoxicated by the way her words slurred.

  "Shit I forgot." He told me. I ushered him to the living room where his mother was. I slid off the counter and looked into a mirror that hang over a little table in the kitchen. I was mess.  My skin was pale and my hair was matted. A deep cut lined my cheek, it would definitely scar.

  "You coming?" Richie's voice floated into my eardrums causing me to jump.


  "Are you coming to the Bar Mitzvah?"

"Not like this." I told him looking back in the mirror.

  "Come with me." He told me taking my arm.

   He led me upstairs into his room. "Wait here." He told me before disappearing. His room was how do I put it. Well unlike how I Imagined. His room instead of being full of posters and bright colors was actually well, beige and boring. "Here." Richie said throwing a purple dress at me.

"Whats this for?" I quizzed curiously.

  "Stans duh." He told me before leaving the room to get ready himself. I sighed and slipped took off my clothes. It felt weird being in Richie's room doing so but I didn't give a shit anymore. I tugged on the deep purple dress and looked in Richie's mirror. It was definitely a mom dress but I didn't mind at least he tried.

"Hey uh you-" Richie said walking into his room but he stopped short and blinked several times.

  "Jeez Richie what if I was naked? " I said my voice raised slightly. Suddenly Richie gained his composure.

  "I mean I wouldn't have minded." He told me smirking. I rolled my eyes.

  "Lets go Richard." I smirked walking past him. 

  "Yes mam." I heard him say from behind me.

  A/n whoop whoop I guess lol


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