Chapter 2 - The Host is a Homosexual!

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"Well," you whispered into the microphone, your voice breathy, "I hope this haircut meets all of your expectations, but if you need me to make any adjustments, please don't hesitate to return. You can always call me on my personal number that I wrote on my business card. Well then, good-bye for now, my beautiful friend."

You stopped the recording a moment before the door burst open. "[Y/n]-chan!" Honey-senpai cheered, leaping into your arms. "Do you want some cake?"

You laughed, still having trouble believing that he was two years older than you. "Just finished up the new audio. Who knew these new ASMR recordings would sell so well?"

"Do you want chocolate or strawberry today?"

"Not sure," you replied. "I promised I'd help the twins out first though. Can we share later?"


You left the side room for the main space of Music Salon No. 3. There were a few guests inside, waiting for a special session.

Today, you were doing a joint session with the twins after a certain princess had paid a little extra to have the three of you act out a certain fantasy. Renge, of course, had coordinated the skit. It was still before the bulk of club activities for the day.

"Well, we've been looking for you," Hikaru cooed, grabbing your arm. Both of them were in basketball jerseys. You had already changed into a generic school uniform and thick-rimmed glasses.

I guess we're starting then. You thought. "What are you doing?" You whimpered.

"Doesn't the cute little nerd want to play?" Kaoru purred in your ear.

"I... I don't know what you mean..." you said, clutching your prop textbooks closer.

Suddenly, the textbooks were knocked away. The twins pushed you roughly down onto the settee, Hikaru on top of you, Kaoru cradling your head. You tried not to laugh seeing the blushing ladies; some held handkerchiefs to their nose to stop the nosebleeds.

"Kaoru, what are you doing," Hikaru growled as he tugged you towards his chest by your necktie. "He's mine. I don't want to share."

"I saw him first, Hikaru!" Kaoru ripped off your tie, sending you falling backwards into his lap.

You pretended to tremble. "May... maybe you two could share me? Just this once?"

Hikaru hummed, leaning in. "I suppose..."

"No!" Kaoru shouted. Both of you shot him a look; he was going off script. "Hikaru, you always take my toys away from me. I want him for myself!"

You reached up, stroking Kaoru's cheek while slightly arching your back. You pulled his head closer to you until your lips were nearly touching. "Oh Kaoru, can't you share me this once? I promise I'll make it up to you."

"Oh... okay," Kaoru hoarsely replied. Before you could do anything else, you heard a cluster of thumps as your guests fell over in a cold faint.

"Aw, we didn't get to the best parts!" Hikaru laughed.

"Quit joking; let's get them comfortable," you said. "At least they liked it... I think."

"Hey Kaoru, why'd you go of script?"

"Oh, I thought it'd be more... natural? I like improv better."

"It can be more fun," you agreed. "Sometimes you gotta wing it right?"

The Boyfriend Type [Kaoru x Male Reader]Where stories live. Discover now