Chapter 4 - The Mysterious Suitor!

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Winter was coming. Little flurries of snow danced on the icy winds, but the snow had yet to stick. Much like students at any school, those at Ouran High were barely able to focus on their studies, despite final exams waiting just around the corner. Most were already thinking about their trips home to visit family and friends or the holiday feasts or presents or other things far more interesting than classical Japanese Literature. Yet, despite the excitement of the impending holiday season and looming exams, you were interested in another little puzzle that came in the form of a bag on your desk one Friday morning.

It was a candy-cane patterned plastic wrap tied with a neat cherry red bow. Inside, someone had handmade a baker's dozen of star-shaped milk chocolates. The sender attached a little note, which read:

Happiest of holiday wishes to my true love ~Your Secret Admirer

"Chocolates and a secret admirer!" Renge tittered. "It's so great I could eat three bowls of rice!" You weren't quite sure if it was a translation issue, but some of her comparisons seemed a bit strange.

Haruhi shook her head. "I thought chocolates were supposed to be for Valentine's Day?"

"Yeah, but who am I to pass on free chocolate?" You smiled, sliding off the ribbon.

"You're gonna share right?" Hikaru hummed, sneaking a hand over.

"We all get to have some right?" Kaoru agreed.

"Guys, it's [Y/n]'s chocolate, stop trying to mooch!" Haruhi scolded.

"Nah, it's alright," you said. "I'll let you guys have one." You popped one in your mouth. It was sweet but not exactly smooth. There were some lumps that told you the chocolate might have burned a bit or didn't melt so evenly. Whoever made it probably didn't cook too often; not that you cared of course, because again - free chocolate is free chocolate. "Delicious," you sighed.

Renge smacked her hand down in front of you. "You're missing the big picture [Y/n]! Who sent the note?"

"Well," you said while tossing another piece in your mouth. "The note's typed, so we can't tell by handwriting. It's also probably someone involved with the club. I don't talk with people outside our group or our customers."

"That should narrow it down," Haruhi said, trying a piece for herself. "Just so long as we're the only ones who know. The search might get hard if word gets out."

"Why's that?" you asked.

"You're popular, idiot," Hikaru snarked. "A buncha girls are falling over themselves to be with you - not that they have a chance. If it gets out, everyone's gonna claim to be the one who sent the chocolates."

"Right, so a secret then?"


Naturally, when the time came for club activities, the whole school knew about the bag of chocolates. "How am I gonna find out now?" you grumbled as you changed clothes.

"Maybe you'll get another note?" Hikaru offered from the next changing stall.

"But what if someone else pretends to be the first person?"

"So what? Then you get more chocolate. It's a win-win."

You popped your head out. "Hikaru, I'm serious. I wanna meet them. They seem nice. Maybe we have a lot in common"

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