Chapter 3 - Murder on the Ouran Express!

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"Welcome ladies," you greeted, standing with perfect posture. Wisps of steam curled about your feet as you stood on the train platform. A large steam locomotive stood at the ready, headlamp shining and eager to begin the night's journey. Your guests excitedly huddled around you on the platform, their breath visible in the cold air. The way that they dressed in their fine furs near the restored luxury coaches and locomotive made it look like a night from Roaring Twenties rather than the late 2010s. "I am [Y/n], your conductor for tonight. Please have your tickets ready to board."

Hushed whispers of excitement rose like the steam from the guests. You directed the ladies aboard the coaches after punching their tickets. "You will be in car three, room five," you said with a smile. "Enjoy your trip."

As they finished boarding, you waved to the actual conductor who stood out of sight. "You sure you aren't looking for a job?" She joked. "You looked like a natural out there."

"Maybe another time. You have the final script, right?"

"Of course," she said producing the packet. "It's not exactly what you'd expect, but we can work with it. After all, that's what the Otori Family wants right?"

"Right. Oh, one moment please." You pulled out a small two-way radio. "This is Eagle, are we go for launch?" Code names were Tamaki's idea.

"This is King, all clear!"

"Shadow Queen," Kyoya begrudgingly called. "All clear."

"Usa and Kuma ready!"

"Devil Twins ready!"

Haruhi sighed. "I'm not using this name... but I'm ready." You smiled and nodded to the conductor.

She nodded. "ALL ABOARD!"

The whistle sung a long note to the sky, as the locomotive hissed and pulled forward into the night.


You strode through each of the restored coaches, making sure that everyone had made it to the dining car. Each of the cars were restored from old coaches from the Japanese National Railways, but the Otori Group refurbished them to look like luxury train cars from Europe, particularly those of the legendary Orient Express. Kyoya explained it all to you, but to be honest, you might have zoned out a bit. Long story short, the tourist market was thriving off of nostalgia between reboots and remakes and purchasing all sorts of antiques. Making a fake European train in the middle of Japan got the best of both worlds: exotic and nostalgic.

"Good evening everyone," you called as you entered the dining car. All of the ladies had gathered inside, unaware of the impending events. "I hope you're all enjoying your refreshments. Our trip will take us through some of Japan's most beautiful scenery. With tonight's full moon, I'm sure you will enjoy the spectacular views."

The other hosts mingled with the guests at certain tables, all playing different characters. Tamaki was a French Marquis on holiday. Kyoya played a businessman, which seemed a bit on the nose for you, but it was his suggestion. Honey and Mori played a young prince and bodyguard from a distant Arabian kingdom. The twins were a team where Hikaru was a singer, and Kaoru was his manager/songwriter. Haruhi was a lawyer returning home from vacation.

Suddenly the lights snapped off as the train shot into a tunnel. Screams came from all sides. "Please!" you shouted. "It's just a small outage. The power will be back in a moment!"

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