Chapter 5 - Maybe You're My Love!

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"Ah, Mr. [L/n]!" You were relaxing in the library when Chairman Suoh approached you. "I just heard about your performance this semester. Well done; I heard your term paper in French was particularly well done. You must have studied very hard."

"Yes sir."

"Now if my memory is correct, you leave for home tonight."

"That's right. My family wants to spend the holidays together. I'll be leaving after the Winter Ball ends."

"Ah, what a good son you are! Well, you have a nice time then tonight at the Winter Ball. I hope you have a safe flight. If you get back early, please join us for the Ouran New Year's Party."

"Thank you sir, happy holidays!"

"Happy Holidays, Mr. [L/n]."

Little did you know, another person overheard your conversation.


You ran into Music Salon No. 3 with your roller suitcase bouncing along in tow. The room was empty, like most of the school. Most of the students had already left for home for the holidays; plans ranging from nights at Swiss ski resorts to lounging on the coast of Bora Bora. The other hosts were downstairs in the main ballroom, ready to open the festivities of the Winter Ball. You tossed your suitcase inside and ran to the changing room – knocking first this time – to change into your tuxedo.

In the changing room, there was a note with a beautiful rose boutonniere.

A flower for my love, in hopes that we may meet tonight. ~Your Secret Admirer.

Of all the things you were excited for tonight, the chance to meet your secret admirer was the most exciting. You pinned the crimson rose to your tuxedo, careful not the crinkle the petals. For a second, you rested your hand on top of it, hoping your admirer could feel your love wherever they were. You also hoped that the red petals were symbolic of your admirer's passion... and hair.

Actually, the more you thought about it, the obvious answer was Kaoru. It had to be him, with how much the two of you hung out, with how he was extra possessive of you during your skit, how he protected you, and how he always found an extra excuse to be close to you. You had to admit that the boy was great to be around. You loved how he could be a little mischievous but was caring and considerate. He was smart and philosophical, often having little debates with you on everything from the meaning of life to symbolism in a book between classes. There was nothing quite like having a nice intellectually stimulating conversation with someone.

You strode with confidence down the quiet hallways to the main ballroom. The adorable thought of Kaoru in the kitchen trying to make chocolates for you filled you with happiness. You might be leaving today, but you hoped that maybe you and Kaoru could dance tonight. If you could get a moment alone...

There was no time to think about "what-ifs" though. It was time for you to get to work. You tossed open the double doors to make your entrance.

The grand ballroom seemed to sparkle. The Host Club hired a special crew to hang little crystal snowflakes with near-invisible wire, creating a beautiful snowfall illusion without making it look tacky or gaudy. You smiled to yourself, seeing Haruhi over at the snack table, helping herself to a plate of fancy tuna. You smoothed out your tuxedo jacket as you made your way through. Students filled the dance floor in a variety of beautiful dresses in a rainbow of colors, accompanied with white rose corsages. However, none of them matched your red blossom.

The Boyfriend Type [Kaoru x Male Reader]Where stories live. Discover now