The Gang

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AN: Nico is also called Nick.


Harper had caught me off guard, as I was almost asleep from watching Mr. Nacine lecture about bases and multiplying two perimeters together.

"Yeah, Harp?"

"What's 4x squared minus 7x plus 25?"

I paused, then gave my answer, "Uh, 2x minus 5 squared."

She smiled. "Thanks."

I sighed internally. Why? Why? Harper Remi Mizra. The one girl who had made me vulnerable, and also the last girl I'd imagine myself even having the smallest crush on. Yet here I was. Looking at her short dark brown hair, occasionally staring into her deep black eyes that hid behind a pair of circular wire rimmed glasses, admiring at how sometimes the light perfectly hit her Isrealite skin, and illuminated the abundant amount of freckles on her face.

"...Devin? Devin? What is the answer to number 4?"

"Uh... I'm not sure sir. Sorry."

A small laugh from the class come up, and I couldn't help but laugh at myself.

"You would know if you payed attention. It shows."

A snicker came from Harper, and I rolled my eyes at her.

The bell went off and I grabbed my backpack, and waited by the door, seeing Harper carry her new current read and her journal.

"What's this week's book?"

"The Iliad. It's quite interesting. It's an oldie, but a goodie so far."

"I read that for English."

"Not the full restricted version."

I dramatically gasped and put a hand over my heart. "Ms. Mizra, that is not allowed here!"

She cracked a grin and gave me a small push. "Shut it, Cala."

"Hey that's not nice, Harper." The familiar voice of JJ rang through.

"JJ, you're supposed to back me up here!"

"And I'm supposed to back him up." Nico said, sarcastically, poking me in the arm.

"If you idiots would shut up, I have something important to say. So, since my parents are loaded, they're letting me share a cabin, alone with some invited friends. Do you guys wanna come?"

"That's not even a question, I'm in!" JJ said excitedly.

"I'm totally down."

"Devin? Do you wanna come?"

"Yea, sounds great. I'll go."

"Perfect. Everyone be at the clunk by 6. You can bring your homework to this wonderful getaway if you must, but please get it done before hand. Or like, when we get home."

The clunk was Harper's massive tree house, it was the size of an apartment, and had a TV, bookshelves, a table with chairs, a desk, two queen beds, internet, fridge, and a microwave.

"Why the clunk, why not your house?"

"Because I have a surprise." She said, with a mischievous look in her eyes.


"Let down the ladder, JJ!" Harper called from above.

"Got it!"

It took about a full 20 seconds for the latter to reach the ground, and I started to climb.

I got to the top, and was pulled up by Nick and JJ, who rolled the ladder back up.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 21, 2019 ⏰

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