7| "wasn't a happy ending"

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"So you're telling me, the girl that found Jesse is possibly the girl you want to spend the rest of your life with?" Tristen Saids and I roll my eyes.

"Christ don't say it like that, I just think she's pretty and fun to hang out with plus I see her a lot more since she walks Jesse, yeah maybe I'm hoping feelings will take away and us be together but doesn't mean I want to spend the rest of my life with her." I sigh and Tristen scoffs.

"What?" I asked as he turns his chair away from me.

"Nothing." Tristen mumble.

"No tell me why you scoff?" I asked getting slightly annoyed.

"We just think because you been single for a while now, that maybe instead of waiting for feelings you go ahead and ask this Maddie girl out." James Saids as he tune his guitar.

"Wait what?" I furrowed my eyes brows.

"Yeah I mean is been a while and you're the only one that is single so why don't you just do it." Connor pipe in.

"You all feel this way?" I asked and they put their head down and nod.

I can't believe it my best mates are begging me to ask this girl, someone who I want to take easy with but just because I been single for a few years they want me to ask this girl out who
I want get to know more Really? my mates.

"Fuck you all." I scowl as I pick up my stuff and began to walk out the studio.

"Brad wait pl-" James began but I cut him off.

"No shut the fuck up, I'm leaving and don't expect me to come back tomorrow." I state and slam the door.

I walk out the studio, cursing at myself for deciding to walk today the rain pours so I put my hood on tighter and grip my guitar case, been single for too long but yourself out there single hate the word with passion hate it really do.

"Ask her without waiting for feelings."

"You been single for years."

"You're the only one that is single."

Fuck all this! I hate being single but they don't understand and they never will no one will und-

"Brad!" A familiar voice spoke I turn my head and I see Maddie sitting in her car singling for me to come over.

I ran over to her and bend down sightly so she can see by the window.

"Do you need a ride?" She asked and I look at my wet clothes.

"I don't want to get your car wet." I smile and she giggles.

"Get in you idiot." I chuckle and put my stuff in the backseat before getting in the front seat.

"So where you going?" She asked and I shrug, "anywhere but home please."

"You wanna go to my apartment with me then?" She asked and I smile and nod.

"So if you don't mind me asking, but why were you walking in the rain?" She asked and I sigh.

Let's just say my mates were being dicks that's all." I say and she nods understanding.

I known her for a week and she always understands when I want to talk and don't want to talk, she gets me.


"If you like can just leave your shoes by the door." She Saids as we walk in her apartment.

"You have a nice apartment." I smile as I walk around and see Maddie personally light up the room.

"Thanks." She Saids as she walks in the back room.

I stand around not wanting ruin her future because my wet clothes, I see a broken picture frame of her and this guy, they look very in love and the way the guy holding her in his arms while kissing her cheek make it show how much he loves her, I continue to stare at the picture till it get rip out of my hands.

"Here some clothes." Maddie Hands me the clothes and go throw away the

I guess it wasn't a happy ending.

"Thanks." I say quietly and walk in the bathroom to put on the clothes.

Who's that guy?


"So tell me again why you have guy clothes?" I asked and she giggles.

"Is miles comfy then girls juggers." She blush and I smile and sip on my beer.

"Can I ask you a question?"

"Is it about the picture because that dickhead is my ex." She read my mind.

"I'm sorry I just wanna know but what happen you look so happy in that picture" I say and she sighs and put Down her beer bottle.

"That's shawn my ex, we were happy for two year till two year later when he started abuse me and get people to sleep with me for drugs, he ruined me brad he will beat me and stuff drugs down my throat he will do anything to hurt me, he never stopped he never did till one day my parents walked in my apartment in where he was beating me. My parents call the cops and they moved me here and I haven't seen him since and pray I never will." Maddie cries and I pull her close and hold her while she cried.

"I'm sorry Madison oh my god I can't believe that happen, I promise you I will protect you with everything in me I promise you that but you have to trust me." I say as I grab her face and wipe her tears.

"I trust you." She nods and I smile and I wrap my arms around her.


"Hmmm." I hum and look down at her.

"Can I try something?" She asked and I nod.

She pulls my head down and kiss me, I cup her cheek and kiss her back moving my hand to the back of her neck, she wrap her arms around my neck and deepen the kiss slipping her tongue inside my mouth, our lips move in sync with each other while we kiss.

We pull away and smile and blush, then look at each other again.

"Can you stay?" She asked.

"I'm not going anywhere."

She smiles while I pull her to my chest and kiss her head.

She makes me go crazy.
They kissed!!!

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