25| "Manchester"

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"Lads night again who's in." Connor asked and all the boys cheer but I'm going no matter how much they beg.

I broke up with my girlfriend because of them they put shit in my head because they don't like her. Now the love of my life is gone she's whatever she wants to be while I'm laying around acting I'm okay but really I'm not.

"Brad you're in?" James asked and I shake my head going back to my notebook.

"Come on brad you're free, you don't have that bitch of a girlfriend around anymore." Tristen shrugs.

"Don't fucking call her that. She's not a bitch she's my everything and I lost her because of you three just because you guys didn't like her, you put shit in my head all of you did and now shes somewhere living her life without me." I grit my teeth at them.

"She changed you." Connor protest.

"For the better before I was breaking girls heart before her but when I was with Maddie she was fixing showing me what love is. The girl who found its hard to love she help me and now she's out of my life and I feel like I'm slowly dying." I say grabbing my stuff.

I just want to leave, leave out of here.

"Brad wait." Tristen voice makes me stop. "We sorry we were being selfish and I guess we got used to the old you that we would found something wrong with her and we sorry." Tristen continues and I nod walking out.

I ran to my car going to a place praying they will give me answers.


I walk inside the building the smell of sweets filling my nostrils. I look at the counter and see two familiar faces two people who probably hate my guts.

"Well Bradley what you want." David asked with a glare.

"I need to know where's Maddie." I said and David scoff.

"Like we tell the guy who broke our daughter heart." He chuckles sarcastically.

"No listen I was wrong, I was listening to people who I shouldn't listen too and I regret that so much I'm so stupid to think so little of Madison and i understand you're protecting her but I need her so much she's the only reason that makes me to get up in the morning and don't drink my pain, because I know Maddie would hate me for it and I love her god I love her. I want to shout it all the highest building and tell everyone that Maddie is my girl I would do anything for that smile, laugh, to see her beautiful hazel eyes anything and I promise I make everything right I won't disrespect her I promise. But please I'm begging just tell me where's Maddie." I beg and they look at each and nod.

"She's In Manchester, she's staying at her grandmother but we don't know how long she's going to stay but and we discretion's when you get home." Kathryn Saids as they come over to me.

I hug Kathy not caring my tears are falling.

"Thank you so much, thank you." I say into shoulder.

"Bring my baby girl home." She Saids and I nod.

"You better make her happy." David warns.

"I promise." I hug him too.

"Before you go,my mom loves dogs so if you want her to like you bring jess." David Saids and I nod before saying goodbye.

I went back in my car with a smile on my face for the first time in a while.
I only pray she wants to see me too.


"Okay you got your bags and food for the road for you and Jesse right?" My mom asked worryingly.

"Yes mom I do and I call you when I get there." I reassure her.

"You better but you two be safe love you both." My mom hugs me and I hug her back

"Love you too." I smile.

"Love ya dad see ya soon." I hug him also.

"Come on Jesse." I open the back seat door and she climbs in and i shut the door.

"Bye guys." I wave at them as I go inside the driver side.

I turn on the car and watch my parents wave at me while I drive away.

"Are you ready to get our girl back?" I asked jess and she barks.

I only pray she take me back.
He driving to her to make it romantic I always wanted a guy beg me back by driving many hours to get back to me.

But since my life is not romantic I wrote about it instead

I hope you guys love it

Peace out ✌️

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