We Pass!?

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"Are you trying to make fun of the Shinobi with your behavior! well, are you? did you ever stop to wonder for one minute why you were divided into teams?" Kakashi-sensei asked, glaring at them "Uhh...excuse me?" asked Sakura confused "This is getting interesting" thought Rokudi in his head as he smirks "Obviously not, you three missed the entire point of the exercise" said Kakashi-sensei "It has a point...!?" asked Naruto confused "Wait, there are four of us, why do you keep saying three?" asked Sakura "Because Rokudo was the only one who got the point of this exercise" said Kakashi-sensei "Come on already! tell us!!!" said Naruto getting impatient "It's teamwork" said Kakashi-sensei giving off a bad aura, Naruto, Sakura and Sasuke looked at Kakashi-sensei "If the four of you had come at me...together you might have been able to take the bells" said Kakashi-sensei, Sakura looked at the bells that were in Rokudo's hand as he showed it to them.

"If we were expected to function as a team, why did you have three? even if we'd worked together, one of us still would have had to go without lunch, you're preaching teamwork, but you played us against each other!" explained Sakura a but confused, Kakashi-sensei looked at her "Of course, this task was designed to cause dissension in your rank" said Kakashi-sensei "WHAT!?" yelled Sakura and Naruto at the same time "The situation was set up to reveal which of you would set aside your individuals and propose to the others that you work together for the good of all" explained Kakashi-sensei.

"Instead of which...you, Sakura ignored Naruto, who was right in front of you and you didn't accept Rokudo when he asked for your help. You only went after Sasuke the whole time"

"Naruto also said no to Rokudo and tried to do single-handedly what should have been the work of all four of you!"

"Sasuke didn't accept Rokudo's help and had already decided that the others just get in his way and he was better of playing solo"

"Rokudo, thank you for learning the point of the exercise and getting the bells" said Kakashi-sensei, Rokudo nodded to him as Sakura glared at him and Kakashi-sensei sights.

"You are a team! it's necessary for a ninja to have individual skills, but what is even more important now is teamwork, making a play as an individual is had for the team and exposes your comrades to unnecessary danger, you might as well kill them yourself, here's an example..." said Kakashi-sensei as he pulled a kunai and aims it around Sasuke's neck "Sakura! kill Naruto and Rokudo or Sasuke dies!" said Kakashi-sensei "What!!?" Naruto yelled as he and Sakura panicked.

"The day would come...when one of you may be taken hostage, and you're forced to make such a choice, when you are on a mission, your lives will always be on the line" explained Kakashi-sensei as he puts his kunai away and getting off of Sasuke, Sasuke got up from the ground and went to go sit back down while Kakashi-sensei went to a stone "Look at the marker...all the names carved in the stone, heroes of our village" said Kakashi-sensei as he looked at the stone his expression saddened "That's it! I just made up my mind! there's where I want my name to go! I'm not gonna throw my life away! I want to be like them-a hero!" said Naruto with excitement in his voice.

"But the ones listed there aren't just any heroes..." "Really? what kind of heroes are they?" asked Naruto interrupting Kakashi-sensei but Kakashi-sensei didn't answer him "Come on! come on!" said Naruto getting more excited "The dead kind. They died in the line of duty" said Kakashi-sensei, Naruto's smile disappeared as he looked down away from Kakashi-sensei, while Sakura looked at Kakashi-sensei with sadness in her eyes not speaking a word. Rokudo got up from his seat and walked to the stone as the paper formed out of his hand making an origami flower.

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