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I am sitting at home, ready to go to zoë's house for a british youtubers sleepover (plus me) when my phone rings. Being the over-eager person I am answer on the first ring, without checking the caller ID.


Tears flooded my eyes as I heard that all too familiar voice... Tyler Oakley. I hung up immediately. Last time I spoke to Tyler Oakley was over a month ago on skype. I was about to tell him I was gay, and depending on how happy he was about it, possibly tell him that I am in love with him.

I was so ready.  I wore that top he called me cute in. I spent twice as long on my hair and even wrote a speech.


I called him on Skype.  Each ring I imagined him rejecting me. My breathing increased.  Tears filled my eyes: but I had to do it.  I had to.

"Troye! What do you want? !"

Tyler seemed colder than usual.  I should have made up an excuse.  Say that I just wanted to say hi. But no. I was too determined, to notice how hostile he was acting.

"Uh... er... hi Ty! How are you?

"Fine. What do you want?"

"Uuuh .. well ... I just wanted..."

"Troye please I have things to do I can't sit here all day waiting for you to say what you want to say! I actually have company!  Jeez I need some space! We... you talk to me too much. We can't. Its too hard. Goodbye Troye please leave me alone.  Sorry!  "

Just then a tall guy walked in and sat next to Tyler.  He obviously didn't realise Tyler was Skyping because he started having a conversation with Tyler, and said

"I am so glad I found you baby"

And kissed him.


So that's why I was confused why he called me. Having my heart broken by Tyler Oakley was the worst feeling in the world.  I was so in love with him and he found me clingy and annoying.  And he had a boyfriend.  For the first few weeks after that skype call I ate nothing.

Well thats a lie. On day four my brother Tyde found me and force fed me, but I threw it up later... Not intentionally but this heartbreak was making me sick.

After that I lived of crackers and didn't get out of bed for nearly two weeks.  I will never be able to get over Tyler Oakley.  He is my world. I really thought we had a connection.  When our hands brushed I didn't want it to stop. It was almost painful. My craving to be close to him. But he didn't feel the same.

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