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I was just walking out the door on my way to zoes when Tyde thrust the phone at me.


I heard a gasp at the other end and then some sobbing.

"Hello, who is this?"

The sobs only got stronger then the person cried

"Troye. Troye please I am so sorry no Troye no!"


I hung up.

I said bye to Tyde and started my journey to Zoe's.

For the first night I am actually staying in a hotel then the second and third night I am staying at Zoe's.

Why was Tyler crying? I cant let it get to me. I need to move on. Oh gosh I cant. I feel gross. Tyler would never love me. Just look at me and think ew. Tears escaped my eyes and I thought how I am not going back to how I was a month ago. Never again.

I drop my bags off at the hotel and make my way to Zoe's house.

I rang on the door bell and when it opened I nearly screamed.

All the youtubers were there dressed in Halloween costumes and they had kindly decided to jump out and scare me! I nearly had a heart attack!

Two hours later

I am having such a great time!

We are playing spin the bottle with alcohol and I am kind of forgetting that person. Zoe is really getting into the game!

"Ooooh who will the bottle land on next.... oooooh ahhhh... TROYE!!!

"Troye you have to kiss..... oooooh .... MEMEMEME!!!

I smiled at zoe and waggled my eyebrows. She was the only one that knew I was gay apart from my family. I stood up and pulled her up and leant in when. ..

Alfie ran at me and knocked me onto Marcus butler!


"Alfie what the hell?" cried zoe.


I was happy I got to kiss Troye, because although he is gay he is very, very cute! As I leant in to kiss him, Alfie knocked him over onto Marcus!


I yelled.

Alfie walked over to Troye and lifted him off a pretty happy looking Marcus in a bridal style and apologised. Good old Troye laughed it off but Alfie looked serious still.

He walked over to me and took my hand.

"Zoe, I really like you and willyoupleasegooutwithmeplease?

I decided to play with him because, as it turns out I reallly like Alfie and was planning on asking him out anyways!

"Whats that Alf I didn't quite catch that?"

He glared at me, then stood on the table and asked for everyone's attention.

"Zoe Sugg, Zozeebo , Zoella, will you, please, do me the honour of going on a date with me?

"Yes! "


Okay there was this ridiculously cute zalfie moment earlier and now my day is complete.

Zoe has persuaded me to stay the night which will be good!

We were all at the table eating pizza when Zoe made an announcement:

"The Queen of Youtube will be here in ten minutes! Yay!"

The Queen of Youtube?

"Uh Zoe who's that? " I asked

Everyone at the table erupted into laughter until Tanya said:

"None other than the Tyler Oakley of course!!!"

My whole world froze.

"Troye?! Are you Okay???!!!"

"Yep fine, thanks for pizza gotta go bye! "

I was stopped by Marcus butler who swiveled me round and sat me on the sofa. He knelt down on the floor and looked me in the eye. Oh I had tears pouring down my face.

"Troye? Its okay. You don't have to see him, we will get you out, just calm down okay? Explain to me what happened. " gave me a warm and gentle hug which made me feel better.

I told him everything from my being gay and loving Tyler to our skype conversation.

"Right thets get you out of here then! I will walk you to the hotel."

We walked to the door and Marcus opened it and stood on the other side was Tyler Oakley.

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