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I spent half an hour pulling myself together.  Troye must know I have feelings for him now... But he is not gay. But why was he crying? Why did Marcus punch me? Was it because I upset Troye with that skype call?

I went down to the lobby to get the WIFI code... but as I was walking along the hallway I saw marcus walking out of a hotel room. It couldn't be. .. could it? Room 142, Troye Sivan is in room 142.  I hid round a corner and watched Marcus shut the door then sink onto the ground and put his head in his hands.

Should I go over? It looks like he is really upset. Maybe he likes Troye but the feeling is not... mutual. ..

Because Troye Sivan Is Not Gay.


I waited till Marcus left then made my way over to room 142.

Should I?

Does he hate me for that skype call?

Will this make me break down?

There is only one way to find out.


I heard Marcus shut the door but didn't hear footsteps going away.  I looked through the door to find him still there.

I decided to go over to the other side of the room to watch some TV.

A few seconds later i heard a knock, it must be Marcus again.

"Come in! " I said

I heard Marcus come in and shut the door.

"Hi Marcus im glad that you came back because I need to talk. Things are really complex for me at the moment, and I like you too but im not sure thats enough,  considering how I love that person... but he hates me! I should have got over him ages ago but I can't!  I am still heartbroken and you deserve better."

Tears ran down my face and I turned to look at Marcus. 

Tylers POV

I knocked on his door. No going back now.

"Come in"

Oh gosh does he know its me?

He was on the other side of the room facing the other way.

He was slouched over and looked upset still.

"Hi Marcus im glad that you came back because I need to talk."

I was about to correct him when he quickly carried on speaking...

"Things are really complex for me at the moment, and I like you too but im not sure thats enough."

Oh my god Troye is rejecting Marcus! He didn't reject him because he is not gay... does that mean... No Tyler. No.

" Its not enough considering how I love that person... but he hates me! I should have got over him ages ago but I can't!  I am still heartbroken and you deserve better."

Who does he love? He said its a he. TROYE SIVAN IS GAY!

It doesn't matter anyway because he loves somebody else.

I loved him.

So much.

Too much.

I covered my mouth and looked up at Troye.

He was turning around.

At first he looked scared, then confused, then concerned, then an obvious fake look of indifference.

"Tyler. What are you doing?  You can't just do this."

" Troye please.  I need to talk to you. "

"No Tyler. You made it perfectly clear on that skype call that you DON'T need to talk to me. Im not just yours to treat how you want.  Get out."

I noticed his mask was breaking.  Maybe I did hurt him more than I realised. I just needed to tell him my feelings.

"Troye.  You don't mean that. I need to exp-"


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⏰ Last updated: Sep 09, 2014 ⏰

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