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I'd decided to pull myself together and go to Zoe's but stay the night in the hotel down the road. Troye hated me and I loved him. Great. Well I least I have no reason to think about him tonight. I will just enjoy the evening with my friends.

I rang the door bell and at the same time it swung open revealing Troye Sivan.

This is just a dream Ty. Just brethe. Tears cascaded down my face and I looked over at Troye. He was frozen with sobs shaking his body.

I needed to fix this.


I was cut off by Marcus shoving me back hard, making me fall over and hit my head hard on the pavement. I lifted my hand to my head and there was red liquid running down the side of my face.

"TYLER!" Screamed Troye. But I was okay. Marcus was taking Troye away.

"NONO Troye stay! PLEASE?!"

But marcus had already taken my love... yet I have no right to call him that.

I needed to find Troye. Who does Marcus think he is? I decided to go back to the hotel for tonight to get cleaned up then find Troye in the morning.


When I saw Tyler Oakley standing there, with tears running down his face I was really confused. Seeing him hurt. It hurt so bad.

Before I knew it Marcus squeezed my hand, and shoved Tyler into the road violently. He fell and hit his head. Hard. Blood ran down his face as I was screaming his name.

Marcus basically carried me away, all I wanted was Tyler, yet at the same time I really didn't. Marcus was really scaring me. Why was he doing this?

He dragged me to the hotel whilst whispering in my ear repeatedly:

"Shh its okay. He will never bother you again. "

He took me up to my hotel room and I went to clean myself up. I took a long shower and changed into my pj's. I decided to go straight to bed.

As I walked out of the bathroom I was shocked to see Marcus still sitting on my bed.



"I thought you had gone..."

"haha nope"

He sounded nervous. At least he was being less scary than earlier.

"I thought you may want some company, or somebody to talk to?"

"Yeah okay... "

"I really like you Troye. Your amazing and don't let anyone tell you otherwise. I hate the thought of that Tyler Oakley making you feel bad about yourself because you don't deserve it. You are brilliant, smart, funny, verrry attractive and I don't know anyone better. Okay?"

I was lost for words. Marcus was inches away from me, looking me in the eyes. Does he care about me? Is he... gay?

"Marcus... Thanks. Nobody has ever said anything like that to me before. "

He smiled softly then put his hand on my hand.

I froze. Is he going to kiss me? What do I do? He knows I love Tyler. But maybe I should kiss him. Tyler is not going to love me but for some reason Marcus is being really nice. I could fall for marcus... He was kind, very attractive and it seems he cares about me. Or did he just feel sorry for me?

Before I knew it Marcus scooped me up into a bear hug. Well I wasn't expecting that. Oh gosh was I wrong? Marcus probably didn't even like me!

In the middle of my mental argument I felt a pair of lips on my forehead.

" When I said I like you troye I meant I really, really like you. But you love Tyler. As much as I wish you didn't. .. you do. And if I kissed you now I would be taking advantage of your vulnerable state. Work out you feel and come and talk to me, because I will always be here for you. "

And with that he squeezed my hand and walked out the hotel.

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