A Short Self-Reflection

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After the Trio was done being bombarded by the media, being interviewed by reporters and thanked by the police, they piled into the car, on their way to the emergency room. There was a very awkward few seconds of silence.

"I can't believe you boys did that!" August's mom scolded them. "Poor Kylah got a concussion because of you guys! You were lucky enough to get away with a few bruises and a nose-bleed, other than Kylah, of course. You could've died!" Her face flared.

"In all honesty, it was my fault. I dragged them into this." Everhet didn't avoid eye contact, so as to be as sincere as possible.

"Don't be silly! You all dragged yourselves into this!" Mrs. Hansen wouldn't let Everhet apologize.

"Well, if Everhet hadn't given us superpowers, we wouldn't have done this!" August yelled. Everhet looked at him, angrily shaking his head. "I-I mean, powerful words of encouragement! Yes, it's a metaphor!"

"Well, you're not having your sleepover, August. I'm sure their parents would like to speak to them too. And maybe ground them for a week or two." August's mom tensed her shoulders, but let them relax after calming down a bit.

"Okay, can everyone just, like, shut up? For three seconds?" Jackson snapped.

August waited three seconds and said, "Geez, is Jackson there? Hello? That's not like you at a--"

"OH MY GOD JUST ACTUALLY SHUT UP." Jackson slammed on the car door. Then everyone shut up.

After August got home, his mom scolded him for a few hours, explaining how dangerous and reckless he was that day. "No phone, no DS, no Xbox, no nothing for a whole week!"

Jackson's mom hadn't talked to him for a long time. About a month actually. All she'd said in that time were the phrases, "Time to get up for school." "Bye." "Hi." "I'm going out for a bit." Jackson didn't get punished. Not like he had much to lose in the first place. He had a phone and a Sega Genesis, but that was about it. He got five dollars allowance, and had a debit card, so he could buy something on his own, if he biked to the store or downloaded it by himself.

Everhet's Xbox was taken away for half a week. That was about it. Unlike August's mom, Everhet's mom knew about his power. She was fine with him practicing it, but not on a live person, causing massive outrage and collateral damage. 

The Fourtitude: A Narrative of NaivetyWhere stories live. Discover now