Chapter 2

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Up above is your outfit during class and when Sam goes to the car lot. 

h/c = hair color

h/l = hair length

f/n = first name

l/n = last name 

y/h = your height 

fav/col = favorite color 

s/c = skin color 

e/c = eye color

' = this means what you are thinking


"Okay, Mr. Witwicky, you're up." Mr. Hosney states annoyed. 

On cue, my best friend Sam shoots up out of his seat a little nervous."Sorry, I got a lot of stuff." He says dumping his backpack on the front table. He's not good at these things. He gets nervous, he may not show, but I can tell. His crush Mikaela is in here, as to add to his nervousness. She is very attractive if I do say so myself. Her boyfriend Trent 'What a rich insufferable prick' leans over and whispers something to her. Oh yeah, me and Sam sit right behind them. 

"For my family-" Sam starts, before being interrupted by a rubber band being shot at his neck, by Travis. 

"Who did... Who did that?People! Responsibility." Mr. Hosney states more annoyed. "He could care less, what a dick.'As the teacher rants, Trent looks around innocently. The teacher takes a seat with his eyes on Sam as if telling him to continue. I lean forward and silently tear a part of my paper crumpling it and sliding it in into my mouth, gently gnawing on it as the paper absorbs my saliva like a sponge I then spit it at the back of Trent's head. He turns around with a disgusted look mouthing 'wtf'. I flip him off and give a thumbs up to Sam telling him it's alright. Mikaela turns her head and gives me a small smile and a wink. 'Yeah, you sure are a gorgeous one' I curve one side of my lips into a sinister smile. I think she swings both ways, maybe still in the closet. I give her a wink flashing my beautiful e/c eyes. 


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Sam starts again "So, for my family genealogy report, I decided to do iton my great-great-grandfather, who was a famous man,Captain Archibald Witwicky. Very famous explorer. In fact, he was one of the first to explorethe Arctic Circle, which is a big deal. In 1897, he took 41 brave sailorsstraight into the Arctic Shelf." I kept my eyes on him the whole time, poor kid. I've heard this so many times, because he rehearsed in front of me...for 2 weeks...every night....before bed.

I didn't realize I practically zoned out on him. 'Whoops.' "

So that's the story, right? And here we have some ofthe basic instruments and tools used by 19th-century seamen." The class laughs.

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